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Showing posts from August, 2022

Honeygain App Review | How to earn money with Honeygain App

Honeygain App Review | How to earn money with Honeygain App  Friends, who do not want to earn extra money in today's time, there are many ways to earn money from the internet, using which many people are making good money today. I have told you in many of my posts about how to earn money online while sitting at home, so in which post today I am going to tell you about a special application from which you can earn money even when you are sleeping.

Which viruses are currently active and challenging our health?

Which viruses are currently active and challenging our health? Health officials have said that while the rate of covid infection has been high in the last few weeks, infections caused by other viruses with similar symptoms are also increasing.

Do you feel that married life is becoming dull? Fill the relationship with color

Do you feel that married life is becoming dull? Fill the relationship with color Be it love marriage or beggar marriage. For a few years of marriage, husband and wife are eager for each other, harmonious relationship and full of love. They envision a beautiful and colorful world.

A trend that makes married life miserable

A trend that makes married life miserable Atmamugdha means the tendency to be absorbed in oneself. Let's say, what if one of the couple has this kind of tendency? Is their family life juicy and tight? Or funny?

How to express your feelings to the person you like?

How to express your feelings to the person you like? Human nature is different. Their behavior depends on this nature. Some can confidently express what they feel, while others cannot speak their mind at all.

What do husband and wife want from each other?

What do husband and wife want from each other?  In the evening, the husband returns home from office and changes his clothes. The wife says - the clothes you are wearing should be arranged. Shoes on one side, tie on the other. Coats and pants are thrown everywhere.

What to do if children have skin allergies?

What to do if children have skin allergies? Children's skin is susceptible. Even a small carelessness can cause serious problems in their skin. Children's skin has allergy problems, especially in summer.

Children: Unloved leads to crime

Children: Unloved leads to crime Dang. 2076 B.S. It is an event of the year. 12-year-old Rajan (name changed) from Lamhi in Dang arrived at the correctional center in Ghorahi. When his uncle found him smoking, he left him in the correctional center. But when her inner story is revealed, something tragic emerges.

"Homework hinders children's physical and social development"

"Homework hinders children's physical and social development" 5-6 am, Children wake up. They don't learn well, they are in a hurry to go to school. Washed hands, ate breakfast, dressed, carried heavy bags. ran

Who is posting random posts on celebrities' Facebook pages? | Facebook ready to pay fines

Who is posting random posts on celebrities' Facebook pages? Facebook's news feed has been experiencing problems since Wednesday morning. Posts made by other people's accounts are appearing on the Facebook pages of various international celebrities.

The story of a country whose destiny was changed by a domain name

The story of a country whose destiny was changed by a domain name The year 2020 has been the year of 'major restructuring'. Bitcoin is becoming more attractive as trust in the current financial system continues to decline. Data has taken the place of precious oil.

Want to be a successful developer by self-saving? | It is no longer linking a mobile charge to run the Whatsapp on the computer.

Want to be a successful developer by self-saving?  Alan Mask once said that there was no college degree in Tesla. After all, large treasures do not value the college degree. The man who can show the capacity by self-viable is these companies.

What are Whatsapp and its history?

 What are Whatsapp and its history? In this post What Is WhatsApp, what is the information, history, and WhatsApp of WhatsApp? There is information on these topics. WhatsApp is the most popular instant messaging app in the current world. The popularity of WhatsApp can be gauged from the fact that nowadays WhatsApp is used instead of SMS service.

What is Amazon and company history?

What is Amazon and company history? What is Amazon In Hindi post, information about what is Amazon and the history of Amazon company has been given. Amazon is the world's largest online shopping website and company. Starting with the online sale of books, this website offers everything from electronic devices to clothes. The history of Amazon is interesting and inspiring. So let's try to know about Amazon company in brief.

What are e-commerce, its types, and its benefits?

What are e-commerce, its types, and its benefits? In this article What Is E Commerce, there is information about what is e commerce, types of e commerce and advantages of e commerce. E commerce is currently the online mode of business and most of the people are familiar with it. Online shopping is a part of e-commerce. E commerce is the buying and selling of products through the Internet. Apart from products, many types of services are also sold by this. An attempt is made to tell the advantages and importance of e commerce in this post “E Commerce Information”.

What is an email id?

 What is an email id? You know this, now know what is an email id? Currently, there are many online websites that allow to open an email account. Sites like Gmail, Yahoo Mail, Rediff Mail, Hotmail etc. provide free email facility. Email address, internet, smartphone or computer is required to send email.

What is the website and its definition?

What is the website and its definition? If you want to get knowledge on any subject, then you open the website. There is also a website to see the result of the exam. To listen or download songs, you have to log in to the website. The website is also opened to book movies, train tickets. To create an email account or send email messages, a website is required. There is also a website for online shopping. The website is on a usage and function basis.

What is cloud storage?

What is cloud storage? what is cloud storage Currently the most important is data. Its security and storage are also important tasks. There are many ways to store data. Data is stored in the device like pen drive, DVD, memory card, hard disk etc. These are all offline methods and you must have that device to access the data. Cloud storage technology has come in the age of internet which is very easy to use.

What is cloud computing, its types, and benefits

What is cloud computing, its types, and its benefits This post is about What Is Cloud Computing What is Cloud Computing. There is also an attempt to briefly describe the types, advantages and disadvantages of cloud computing. What is Cloud Computing? You will surely be curious to know the answer to this.

What is Crypto NFT?

 What is Crypto NFT what is crypto nft Crypto NFT is a digital asset just like “Cryptocurrency”. Just as bitcoin is a crypto currency, NFT is also a crypto token. There is some change here because bitcoin is a digital currency but it is not a currency but a digital asset.

What is GPS, complete information about the GPS system

What is GPS, complete information about the GPS system Friends, in our daily life all of us have become familiar with the word GPS these days. But do we know what is GPS, how does GPS work and do you know more information about GPS technology?

History and Invention of Facebook

History and Invention of Facebook In the post, you will learn about the invention and history of Facebook. Facebook is the world's largest social media platform that provides chatting, sharing and posting features. Facebook is also called a social networking site, in which text, images of posts are shared with friends.

Movie Story Time | Get The GRIFT 2021

Movie Story Time | Get The GRIFT 2021 Man Found 58 Loopholes To Never Pay For Food In Any Restaurants, Clothes And Even Shelter After a botched scam, Clóvis bumps into Lohane, his estranged foster sister. In a bind, they soon realize the only way out is to band together.

WATERWORLD 1995 | Movie Story Time

WATERWORLD 1995 | Movie Story Time When Earth Is Filled With 100% Water And 0% Land; Dirt Costs $1000 per grain The melting of polar ice has resulted in all continents becoming submerged in water, forcing humans to adapt to their new environment. They now live in rugged, floating communities known as atolls, feeding on seafood and living off trades. Plants, dirt, and soil cost more than gold and people use their urine for cultivation due to a lack of fresh water.

Movie Story Time | I AM MORTAL (2021)

 Movie Story Time | I AM MORTAL (2021) The premise of the movie is set far in the future.  Because of excessive and unethical use of natural resources, the world faces a new pandemic every year that kills billions of people. Humans have started to see life as a curse as they can catch a deadly virus and die anytime. Then one day, amidst all the disaster, a  scientist named Pilot comes as a blessing to humankind. He makes a genetic discovery that can turn humans immortal, giving people hope to live in a fairytale void of the fear of death. In a short time, he invents the practical use of the discovery and the remainder of the human race transforms into eternal beings. 

Independence Day: India saw the first morning of independent India on 15 August 1947, know the complete history of this date in the world

Independence Day: India saw the first morning of independent India on 15 August 1947, know the complete history of this date in the world Independence Day 2022: A lot happened on 15th August in the country and the world. India got independence on 15th August in the year 1947. Last year on August 15, the US army left Afghanistan.

Independence Day (India)

 Independence Day (India) India's Independence Day (English: Independence Day of India, Hindi: Independence Day of India, Sanskrit: "Swatantradinotsavah") is celebrated every year on 15 August. On this day in 1947, the residents of India got independence from British rule. It is the national festival of India.

What is Quora and How to Use It

What is Quora and How to Use It Quora is a mega website. It produces an ever-increasing collection of user questions and answers. All questions and answers in it have been created, edited, and organized by the people who use it. Many people use Quora as a source for general interest, research, and information, some also use it to build social networks. In this way, blank is a question and answer site where questions are asked by other users and questions are also asked by the user itself. Also, he cooperates with his suggestions. Its main purpose is to help people by giving information on any subject. Quora Company was established in June 2009 and 7 years ago this website was made available to the public on June 21, 2010.

What is Telegram App and how to download it?

What is Telegram App and how to download it? There will be many such people among you who must have used Whatsapp but maybe you do not know about what Telegram is. Yes friends, like Whatsapp, Telegram is also a Messaging App.

What is Yahoo and who created it?

What is Yahoo and who created it? If someone asks you what is this Yahoo (What Is Yahoo)? Then the simple answer is that Yahoo is a search engine, just like Google, it also searches the queries of the users across the internet and displays them in the search results in front of them.

Adobe Inc. What is it and who made it?

Adobe Inc. What is it and who made it? Did you know Adobe Inc. is? Or have you ever heard about it before? I think maybe you must have heard about one of their very best product Adobe Photoshop, which has expressed its dominance in the entire photo/image editing industry. Similarly, Adobe has released many products, in which products such as Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Dreamweaver, and Adobe InDesign are the most favorite of people.

What is Twitter and who created it?

What is Twitter and who created it? Twitter is an American microblogging and social networking service in which users can post and communicate via messages called "tweets". Registered users can post, like, and retweet tweets here, but unregistered users can only read them.

Which to choose in IELTS or TOEFL?

Which to choose in IELTS or TOEFL? Proof of proficiency in the English language is required to take admission to the college in English-speaking countries. There are two types of exams for this:- TOEFL or IELTS. Through both these exams, the reading, writing, listening, and speaking skills of the students are checked. But if you are worried about which of these exams you should give and how to prepare for them, then you do not need to worry. In this blog of ours, all your questions will be answered as that which one should you choose between TOEFL or IELTS.

magic tricks of google

magic tricks of google When we have to know about the smallest or some big things. So we find out using google. In today's time using the internet has become very easy, because whenever we have to know about any subject. So we use the internet and Google plays the most important role in this.

History Of Instagram

History Of Instagram  As we all know that Insta Internet is a very popular app for sharing photos and videos. There will hardly be any smartphone user who does not know about Instagram. There are many such advanced features in this app that make it different from other social media site apps. This is the reason that the number of fans of Insta is all over the world. Let us tell you that from common man to big celebrities also use this app, crores of people follow celebrities through this app.

History of Google

History of Google History of Google | Friends, in today's article we are going to talk about a website ruling the internet which has made our life very easy. There is such a website on which the answer to every question of the people is found in a pinch.

What are Google and its history and development?

What are Google and its history and development? At this time, the first name that comes to hear as soon as you step into the world of the Internet is Google. Almost all the people who use the Internet are aware of this name and also use it in different ways, but very few people actually know what is Google. In fact, Google is a multinational technology (international technology) company, which provides Internet-related services (features) and products (products) to people as a service. Under this service comes online advertising technology, search cloud computing, software, hardware, etc.

Names of Indoor Games for Kids

Names of Indoor Games for Kids These days the whole world is battling the coronavirus. During this Corona period, whether children, whether elderly, and youth, everyone is forced to stay at home. However, in such times everyone is spending their time in some way or the other, but the most troubled is the children. Exams are over, schools are closed, cannot go out to play and it is not right to watch TV and mobile all the time. Now, what do children do in such a situation? We have come up with a unique solution to this problem. This is the right time to connect the children with the traditional sports of India. These games are such, that which can be played easily at home. Not only during the lockdown but even after that children can play with them.

Games that teach a lot – best Learning Games for Kids

Games that teach a lot – best Learning Games for Kids It is not that every game is made just for fun. Rather, some sports can also teach children a lot. Young children can learn quickly through play. Let us know about some such games or games which help in the development of our children.

Women Psychology: Know the psychological facts related to women

Women Psychology: Know the psychological facts related to women Women Psychology: Many people find it difficult to understand women, due to which many men do not understand how to keep their partners happy. Let us tell you that according to psychology, psychological facts related to women can make your work easier.

These study tips will prepare you for the exam

These study tips will prepare you for the exam On hearing the word "examination", many students must be tensed. This question keeps in your mind how to prepare for the exam. Study tips every student wants. Now the exam is about to come, students must have many worries about the exam. So let us share with you some tips so that you will be on top by scoring good marks. Many times it happens with us that we prepare well for the examination but due to small mistakes in the examination we are not able to get good marks and become sad. Let us know in detail in this blog how to do Study Tips. Be sure to choose a target First of all choose a goal for yourself, and after that think about how to prepare for the exam. Because when you don't know what to do? If you want to get the percentage of marks then you will find it difficult to study accordingly. So first set a goal for yourself.

Ways To Focus On Studying: Today we will tell you such ways so that you can complete your studies without any distraction.

Ways To Focus On Studying: Today we will tell you such ways so that you can complete your studies without any distraction. How To Focus On Study:  Many students want to study, but they do not feel like studying. If you want to pass the exam with good marks then it is very important to study diligently. In today's environment, there would have been a simple reason to divert attention from studies and that is the distraction of the mind. The things that distract students from studies mainly include social networking websites, friends, family, noise, online games, etc. Maybe the same thing happens with you.

Interesting Psychological Facts

Interesting Psychological Facts Know interesting psychological facts Psychology is a science, which connects our minds and our habits. Psychology is the process of a mind, which can read the mind of man, and he gets to know his nature. Everyone's thinking, behavior, and understanding of power are different. So today we know about interesting psychological facts related to these and try to understand through example what kind of people and their psychology. So let's get started.

Psychological Problems Associated With Children

Psychological Problems Associated With Children 'Child is the father of man' means that a complete human being is hidden inside the mind of a child. If we wish for a peaceful and developing society, then it becomes our responsibility to save the mind of children from being disturbed. A survey conducted by psychologists found that most of the parents who abused their children badly were those who were neglected and victimized by their parents in their childhood. 

What is the importance of child psychology?

What is the importance of child psychology? Child psychology is a specialized branch of general psychology that focuses on the development and behavior of children. Child psychology is the study of children from birth to adolescence. Child psychology also includes the study of educational psychology which studies the physical, emotional, cognitive, and social development of school-going children. It also focuses on how the environment and external motivation affect learning.

How does peer pressure affect children? Learn how parents can help children get out of it.

How does peer pressure affect children? Learn how parents can help children get out of it Peer pressure can have a negative as well as a positive effect on children. In such a situation, parents should know how to deal with the situation.

To understand the feelings of a young child, parents should adopt these methods

To understand the feelings of a young child, parents should adopt these methods It is a bit difficult to understand the psychology of children. But by adopting some methods, you can easily understand the mood of the child.

Kids Birds Stories

Kids Birds Stories Birds Stories:- Here I'm sharing with you the top Birds Stories which are really amazing and awesome these Birds Stories will teach you lots of things and give you an awesome experience. You can share them with your friends and family and these moral stories will be very useful for your children or younger siblings.

Best Educational Stories

Best Educational Stories Educational Stories:- Here I'm sharing with you the top Educational Stories which are really amazing and awesome these Educational Stories will teach you lots of things and gives you an awesome experience. You can share them with your friends and family and these moral stories will be very useful for your children or younger siblings.

Best Inspirational Stories

Best Inspirational Stories If you are searching for the best Inspirational Stories then you are at the right place Here I'm sharing with you the best Inspirational Stories, I'm sure they will change your mindset and helps you to grow in your personal and professional.

Best Stories for Story Telling Competition

Best Stories for Story Telling Competition Here I'm sharing with you the top best stories for the storytelling competition these Stories are actually very useful and interesting because these stories I also use in my Story Telling Competition when I was a Kids it helps me a lot and I won the competition you can also use these Stories for your competition.

Best Animal Stories

Best Animal Stories Here I'm sharing with you the top Animal Stories with Moral which is really amazing and awesome these Stories In Hindi will teach you lots of things and gives you an awesome experience. You can share them with your friends and family and these moral stories will be very useful for your children or younger siblings.

Top Akbar Birbal Story with Moral 2022

Top Akbar Birbal Story with Moral 2022 The story with Moral:- Here I’m sharing with you the top Story with Moral which is really amazing and awesome these Story with Moral will teach you lots of things and give you an awesome experience. You can share them with your friends and family and these moral stories will be very useful for your children or younger siblings.

Short Inspirational Stories That Can Make You Successful 2022

Short Inspirational Stories That Can Make You Successful 2022 Here I'm sharing with you the best Short Inspirational Stories in Hindi, I'm sure it will change your mindset which helps you to grow in your personal and professional.

Top Stories For Children with Moral 2022

Top Stories For Kids in with Moral 2022 Here I am sharing top stories for kids which is very valuable and teaches life lessons to your kids, which helps your kids to understand people and the world so I am sharing with you.

Short Stories with Moral for Kids

Short Stories with Moral for Kids Whenever there is a mention of stories, then children are also definitely mentioned, this is because stories are mainly liked by children the most. These stories are the only medium through which they definitely get new inspiration and at the same time, they get a lesson to live life in the right way.

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