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Talking openly about mental health issues is on the rise

 Talking openly about mental health issues is on the rise It took time to admit that I had a mental health problem. Arpana Thapa of Satdobato narrated her experience. Arpana, who works in a private company, is yet to be identified as to why mental health problems started. Arpana, who came to the hospital after having headaches, stomach aches, fatigue, and diarrhea, was recommended to see a psychiatrist after all the tests. At that time she could not accept it herself. After the doctor consulted for a while, she was ready to undergo a mental examination. After the examination, the doctor prescribed medicine according to the advice that he would recover after taking normal medicine. As per the doctor's advice, she started taking medicine. His parents knew that he had gone to the hospital. Her parents asked what the doctor said but she told other things without telling the real problem. She says, 'When I was finding it difficult to accept myself, I told other reasons because I tho

These 4 health benefits of drinking Kalonji tea, know its recipe

 These 4 health benefits of drinking Kalonji tea, know its recipe What Is The Best Way To Consume Kalonji: Kalonji has been used in traditional medicine for a long time. Apart from this, it is also used in food to enhance its taste. It is a native spice which is considered medicinal in Ayurveda. It has natural properties that make it beneficial in many health problems. You can also consume Kalonji by making tea. If you drink a cup of Kalonji tea every morning, you will get many benefits. To know about its benefits, we talked to the Chief Medical Officer of Jindal Nature Cure Institute in Bangalore. Babina N.M Se. Benefits of drinking Kalonji tea for health - Health Benefits of Drinking Kalonji Tea Full of Antioxidants Antioxidants called thymoquinone are found in Kaloonji tea, which help protect cells from damage. These antioxidants also reduce the risk of chronic diseases like cancer, heart disease and diabetes. Blood sugar control Rahta Hai - Control Blood Sugar If you are a diabetic

Eating stale rice can cause severe damage to health, say experts

 Eating stale rice can cause severe damage to health, say experts   When you eat the leftover rice later, it is very crispy and delicious to eat. This is one of the favorite dishes of many people. People often store their leftover rice in the fridge and heat it up later. But do you know that doing this can be very harmful to your health? Yes, you read that right! You may be surprised to know, because we all have been consuming leftover rice since childhood. According to Yogacharya and nutritionist Juhi Kapoor, if you don't store leftover rice properly, you may face many problems when you eat it later. In one of his Instagram posts, he explained the harm of eating leftover rice and how to store it properly to prevent it from spoiling. In this article we are telling you about it in detail…. According to nutritionist Juhi Kapoor, "Eating left-over rice should be avoided. When cooked rice is left outside for 2-3 hours, harmful toxins, mold, bacteria start to develop in such rice,

Women's Health: Why do panties get dirty quickly?

Women's Health: Why do panties get dirty quickly? Although it sounds normal, the question that is lost in the mind of common women is, why panties get dirty and dirty quickly? This is also an important question related to women's reproductive health. Often women's panties may be stained and wrinkled. There is no single reason for this.

Carrots Health Benefits, nutrition, diet, and risks

Carrots Health Benefits, nutrition, diet, and risks In order to live life, it is very important for the body to be healthy. In order to stay healthy, it is very important to have the quantity or balance of everything in the body. Every single thing in life is very useful. But, a Sanskrit saying is very old, ati is forbidden everywhere, that is, too much of anything is harmful. To keep the body healthy, fruits and vegetables have proved to be very useful, but that too should be taken in a limited quantity.

Commode or pan toilet: Which is better for defecation and health?

Commode or pan toilet: Which is better for defecation and health? The use of commodes for defecation is increasing. A commode has become a must in modern toilets. While in the past, pan seat was the only choice. Does this changed style in the toilet affect health, especially the digestive system and the spine? Which of these is more appropriate in terms of health? why

Drink jaggery and basil mixed with milk at night, health will get many benefits

Drink jaggery and basil mixed with milk at night, health will get many benefits Health benefits of Tulsi Jaggery and Milk: Drinking milk containing basil, jaggery daily also relieves from normal headache or migraine.

Which is the best cooking oil for heart health?

Which is the best cooking oil for heart health? Best Cooking Oil for Heart Health: It is very important to use the right cooking oil to maintain heart health. Know the best oil for heart-

Does bathing at night harm your health? Know the doctor's opinion

Does bathing at night harm your health? Know the doctor's opinion Many people like to take bath at night. Taking a bath at night after a day's fatigue may give you rest, but it can worsen your health. Know all the pitfalls.

Which viruses are currently active and challenging our health?

Which viruses are currently active and challenging our health? Health officials have said that while the rate of covid infection has been high in the last few weeks, infections caused by other viruses with similar symptoms are also increasing.

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