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Is drinking buttermilk beneficial for diabetic patients? Learn from the experts

 Is drinking buttermilk beneficial for diabetic patients? Learn from the experts Is Buttermilk Good For Sugar Patients: Diabetes patients can drink buttermilk. Its glycemic index is low and digestion is better. Diabetic patients should be very conscious about their diet. Even carelessness can cause their blood sugar levels to deteriorate. Obviously, it is important to keep blood sugar stable. If the blood sugar is not stable, then it can have a bad effect on health. Even kidney and heart health can be affected. However, summer is the season. These days everyone is including buttermilk in their diet. Drinking buttermilk is very good for health. Drinking buttermilk on these days keeps the stomach cool, improves digestion and also relieves problems like constipation. The question is, can diabetics also drink buttermilk? We spoke to Dietician and Nutritionist Divya Gandhi of Diet n Cure about this. Can diabetics drink buttermilk? Buttermilk is drunk a lot in summer days. People often prefe

Aspirin: Medicine from pain to heart attack prevention

 Aspirin: Medicine from pain to heart attack prevention Aspirin is such a drug, which helps to reduce not just one but many health problems. It is used to reduce general body aches, headaches, swelling due to injuries and high temperature (fever). Not only that, this medicine has blood thinning properties. Due to this, even heart attacks and paralysis that are about to clot can be saved by giving this medicine as soon as possible. It belongs to the group of anti-inflammatory drugs. History of medicine Thousands of years ago, the citizens of Greece and Egypt used the bark of the yellow plant to treat pain and fever in any part of the body. It would also heal. Little by little, experts searched for the properties of the bark of that plant. It was discovered that salicin was present. In the 19th century, chemists were able to isolate salicylic acid and turn it into a medicine. However, salicylic acid showed more heartburn and other side-effects in patients. In 1897, Felix Hoffmann, a Germ

Diabetic patients should follow these 5 home remedies to keep the body cool, to get relief from heat

 Diabetic patients should follow these 5 home remedies to keep the body cool, to get relief from heat Home Remedies to Control Body Heat For Diabetic Patients: Monsoon is about to start in many parts of the country. At the same time, the outbreak of heat is still continuing in North India. Summer season is challenging for diabetic patients. In hot weather, excessive sweating and dehydration can make it difficult to control blood sugar levels. Diabetes also affects the heart and blood vessels. Due to high temperature and humidity, the heart has to work harder, which leads to fatigue. It feels more hot. Side effects of some diabetes medications can also cause overheating. In this article, you will know some simple home remedies to keep the body cool. 1. Drink Aloe Vera Juice- Diabetic Patients Can Drink Aloe Vera Juice Consumption of aloe vera juice is beneficial in summer season. Drinking aloe vera juice in summer helps to keep the body cool. Nutrients like chromium and magnesium presen

The Everest Experience: Voices from the Summit

The Everest Experience: Voices from the Summit Embarking on the ascent of Mount Everest is a deeply personal journey that transcends the physical challenges and dangers. Climbers, whether successful summiteers or those who faced setbacks, carry with them a tapestry of experiences, reflections, and anecdotes that paint a vivid portrait of the Everest experience. In this segment, we hear directly from individuals who have braved the world's highest peak. Interview with a Successful Summiteer: Sarah Thompson Sarah Thompson, a seasoned mountaineer from the United States, recounts her triumphant ascent of Mount Everest. Q: What inspired you to climb Everest? Sarah: "Everest has always been this beacon of challenge and achievement for me. I've climbed various peaks before, but Everest represented the pinnacle, the ultimate test of my abilities. The allure of standing on top of the world was too strong to resist." Q: Can you describe the moment you reached the summit? Sarah:

The History of Mount Everest: From Early Explorations to Historic Ascent

 The History of Mount Everest: From Early Explorations to Historic Ascent Early Explorations and Attempts to Conquer the Summit Long before the triumphant ascent of Sir Edmund Hillary and Tenzing Norgay in 1953, Mount Everest lured adventurers and explorers with its mystique and challenge. The story of Everest's conquest is a tapestry woven with the threads of audacity, determination, and, at times, tragedy. The early 20th century saw several expeditions attempting to reach Everest's summit, with each one contributing to our understanding of the challenges posed by the world's highest peak. The British, captivated by the allure of Everest, led the way in these early endeavors. The 1920 and 1922 British expeditions, spearheaded by mountaineers such as George Mallory and Edward Norton, marked the first serious attempts to reach the summit. Tragedy struck in 1924 when George Mallory and Andrew Irvine disappeared during their summit bid, adding an air of mystery to Everest'

What is the way to protect the child from pneumonia?

 How to know that children have pneumonia?   Pneumonia occurs when the infection spreads to the chest or lungs. Symptoms of pneumonia include cough, fever and difficulty breathing. Although this disease can affect people of any age, it can be serious in newborns and young children. Parents should pay attention to the symptoms of pneumonia as children cannot openly express their problems. A child has pneumonia and if not treated in time, the problem can become complicated. So how do you know that children have pneumonia? Kanti Children's Hospital chest and allergy specialist Dr. Edited excerpt from conversation with Jagatjivan Ghimire: What are the causes of pneumonia in children? Children who do not receive the necessary vaccinations at birth are more likely to develop pneumonia. Also, most cases of pneumonia in children are caused by bacterial or viral infections. Children and the elderly have a weak immune system, which is why pneumonia is a problem. If a child stays for a long t

Why is it becoming popular to buy bitcoin from an individual without a company? p2p bitcoin

Why is it becoming popular to buy bitcoin from an individual without a company? p2p bitcoin Today's era is the modern era. Everyone is busy in increasing their feet towards progress. Things are getting better and the old is becoming obsolete. Everyday new inventions and discoveries come to the fore. An important discovery in these discoveries is Bitcoins and nowadays their popularity is increasing among businessmen, investors, and common people. But why?

Important NASA Inventions: From Mobile Cameras to Wireless Headphones

Important NASA Inventions: From Mobile Cameras to Wireless Headphones You may be surprised to know that the various devices that we use on a daily basis were invented in the labs of NASA. NASA scientists have made many inventions in their search for safety, which we use on a daily basis.

Which juice should be drunk for strength in the body? Learn from a dietitian

Which juice should be drunk for strength in the body? Learn from a dietitian Fruit Juices Good for Strength: Drinking juice is very beneficial to give instant energy to the body and increase strength, know which juice should be drunk for strength?

Drink cumin, cardamom, and coriander tea to get relief from flatulence

Drink cumin, cardamom, and coriander tea to get relief from flatulence Herbal tea made from cumin, coriander and cardamom should be drunk to get rid of bloating.

From when does Nepal's government postal service completely send letters and parcels abroad?

From when does Nepal's government postal service completely send letters and parcels abroad? Officials have said that there is still confusion as to when the work of sending letters to foreign countries of Nepal, which has been interrupted since the start of the Covid epidemic, will start.

Why is the air ticket to and from Nepal more expensive than elsewhere?

Why is the air ticket to and from Nepal more expensive than elsewhere? Businessmen and aviation officials have said that because the price of aviation fuel in Nepal has been higher than in other Asian markets for years, international flight tickets to and from here are more expensive.

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