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Do you have a problem with swelling in your feet? These 6 diseases can also be signs

 Do you have a problem with swelling in your feet? These 6 diseases can also be signs The problem of general swelling of feet is seen in many people. When traveling in a long-distance bus or airplane, when traveling or working while standing for a long time, when bitten by an insect, when falling, when there is an injury caused by bumping somewhere, when a bone is broken, the leg becomes swollen. A woman's feet also get swollen during pregnancy. Such problems are common for a limited period of time, which will get better on their own after some time. But in some cases, when there is a problem in the organs like heart, kidney and liver without any injury, other symptoms can be seen along with swelling of the feet every day. Therefore, if the feet are swollen, an examination should be done immediately to find out the cause. How do you know if your feet are swollen? In general, due to poor blood circulation, the legs become swollen. If you press on the leg bone or ball with your finge

Diabetic patients should follow these 5 home remedies to keep the body cool, to get relief from heat

 Diabetic patients should follow these 5 home remedies to keep the body cool, to get relief from heat Home Remedies to Control Body Heat For Diabetic Patients: Monsoon is about to start in many parts of the country. At the same time, the outbreak of heat is still continuing in North India. Summer season is challenging for diabetic patients. In hot weather, excessive sweating and dehydration can make it difficult to control blood sugar levels. Diabetes also affects the heart and blood vessels. Due to high temperature and humidity, the heart has to work harder, which leads to fatigue. It feels more hot. Side effects of some diabetes medications can also cause overheating. In this article, you will know some simple home remedies to keep the body cool. 1. Drink Aloe Vera Juice- Diabetic Patients Can Drink Aloe Vera Juice Consumption of aloe vera juice is beneficial in summer season. Drinking aloe vera juice in summer helps to keep the body cool. Nutrients like chromium and magnesium presen

These 4 health benefits of drinking Kalonji tea, know its recipe

 These 4 health benefits of drinking Kalonji tea, know its recipe What Is The Best Way To Consume Kalonji: Kalonji has been used in traditional medicine for a long time. Apart from this, it is also used in food to enhance its taste. It is a native spice which is considered medicinal in Ayurveda. It has natural properties that make it beneficial in many health problems. You can also consume Kalonji by making tea. If you drink a cup of Kalonji tea every morning, you will get many benefits. To know about its benefits, we talked to the Chief Medical Officer of Jindal Nature Cure Institute in Bangalore. Babina N.M Se. Benefits of drinking Kalonji tea for health - Health Benefits of Drinking Kalonji Tea Full of Antioxidants Antioxidants called thymoquinone are found in Kaloonji tea, which help protect cells from damage. These antioxidants also reduce the risk of chronic diseases like cancer, heart disease and diabetes. Blood sugar control Rahta Hai - Control Blood Sugar If you are a diabetic

Eating broccoli in winter will give these 5 tremendous benefits to the body | Which is more beneficial, tea or coffee in winter?

Eating broccoli in winter will give these 5 tremendous benefits to the body Benefits Of Eating Broccoli In Winter: Eating broccoli in winter can easily remove many problems of the body.

Make these homemade conditioners for oily and damaged hair

Make these homemade conditioners for oily and damaged hair Homemade Deep Conditioners for Damaged Oily Hair: Make this conditioner easily at home to make your hair shiny and smooth.

These foods become toxic when mixed together

These foods become toxic when mixed together Earlier, it was said that curd should not be mixed with fish and meat. Milk and meat were not eaten together. However, now there is a tendency to cook these foods together and eat them.

The pain of gall bladder stone can occur not only in the stomach but also in these parts of the body, know the reason

The pain of gall bladder stone can occur not only in the stomach but also in these parts of the body, know the reason Gall bladder stone pain occurs in many parts of the body. Many of us ignore this problem. Let us know about this in detail-

These things are necessary to keep the newborn baby completely healthy after birth

These things are necessary to keep the newborn baby completely healthy after birth The health of a newborn baby is delicate, due to a little carelessness, his health can deteriorate, with the birth of a newborn baby, diseases can relate to him and to protect him from diseases, you should follow some important tips to keep the baby safe. should do. In this article, we will talk about 6 such simple tips that you can follow to ensure good health of the child.

Covid: These are the things that should be taken care of when giving masks to children under five years of age

Covid: These are the things that should be taken care of when giving masks to children under five years of age Bishnumaya Maharjan, a resident of Baluwatar, takes her four-year-old daughter outside only by wearing a mask. After hearing that it is necessary to wear a mask to avoid infection after the corona virus epidemic was also seen in Nepal, she started wearing a mask not only for herself but also for her daughter from last year.

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