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What to eat and what not to eat if you have a fever?

 What to eat and what not to eat if you have a fever? Fever is a symbolic or self-protective process of the human body. When there is a fever, the temperature of the human body increases. Human body heat is conducted by a system. When the system decides to increase the temperature, fever occurs. In general, a body temperature above 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit and 937 degrees Celsius is considered a fever. A body temperature above 104 degrees Fahrenheit (40 degrees Celsius) is considered dangerous. Fever is a sign of infection somewhere in the body. Fever occurs due to the infection of micro-organisms such as virus, bacteria or when there is a big injury in the body. But having a fever is stressful, struggling and painful, as it weakens your body and makes you hungry and unwilling to do anything. When you have a fever, you may not feel like eating or drinking anything, but it's important to eat a more balanced diet when you have a fever than usual because of the extra stress on your bod

School meals are also causing gastric and ulcer problems in children

 School meals are also causing gastric and ulcer problems in children Previously, gastric and ulcer problems were seen mostly only in adults. But nowadays many school, college going children and teenagers have gastric problems. Changing diet and lifestyle are responsible for this. To tell the truth, today's children do not even have time to eat, and they do not even have a place to eat. Children are more busy than working adults. You have to get up in the morning and prepare to go to school. Food has to be eaten in a hurry, otherwise the school bus will miss. The pressure of studying in school is the same. They eat during the breaks for breakfast and lunch. But the food available at school may not always be suitable for their health. In the school morning, they have greasy, samosa fried in oil, pakoda, noodle soup, chowmin, masham. There is a lot of flour in the lunch of the canteen. In some colleges, students work while studying. Because they have to reach the office early in the

Simple rules for a healthy and long life

 Simple rules for a healthy and long life To adopt a healthy life, first of all, you should be able to control the consumption of toxic substances in the body. Some of the things we eat can be toxic to the body. Of which cigarettes, tobacco products and alcohol are the main ones. These substances contain chemicals that harm the body as well as addictive substances. That's why it is difficult to give up even if you want to, knowing that it will harm you later, even if you eat it greedily at first. If there is an addiction to any of the above-discussed foods, it is not possible to keep the body healthy with other foods and exercises alone. For this, you have to give up the addiction. These are not only addictive substances, now junk food is also becoming a major cause of chronic diseases. These foods contain special ingredients, one of which is sugar. Junk food is high in sucrose and high in fructose. Which affects physical digestion. The trans fat and salt in it are also affecting t

Why does it take more time for diabetic patients to heal their wounds? Find out the cause and tips to prevent infection from your doctor

 Why does it take more time for diabetic patients to heal their wounds? Find out the cause and tips to prevent infection from your doctor Wound healing takes longer in diabetic patients. Learn about the reasons behind this from a doctor here. Diabetic patients often have problems. They have to strictly follow everything from food to exercise. After the blood sugar level increases, many disparities begin to occur in diabetic patients, one of which is the time it takes for the wound to dry. Have you ever wondered why diabetic patients take time to heal wounds? If you are also a diabetic patient and if this happens to you, then this article can come in handy. In this article we will tell you about some important things related to it. This usually happens when the patient's blood sugar level is high. To get more information on this topic, we spoke to Diabetologist Dr. Shaiwal Chandalaya of Jaslok Hospital and Research Center in Mumbai. Let's know about it. 1. Increased blood sugar

What should thyroid patients eat and not eat?

 What should thyroid patients eat and not eat?  Different hormones are necessary for the body to function properly. Thyroid is also a type of hormone in the body. It increases the metabolism in the body and controls the cells. Thyroid is not a disease, it is a gland in the neck. It makes T3 and T4 hormones. It helps the body to deliver the required elements to various organs and cells and the body gains strength. Metabolism is something that is needed by all body parts including lungs, bones, skin, heart. If there is a problem in the thyroid gland, it is considered to be a thyroid problem. Too much hormone is called hyperthyroidism and too little hormone is called hypothyroidism. It is mandatory for thyroid patients to take medicine to control it. Also, nutritionist Pratima Sen KC says that healthy diet and lifestyle are equally important for thyroid control. "Many people with thyroid problems are very confused about what kind of diet to follow, whether to eat vegetables such as c

Does incense and liquid used to repel mosquitoes affect the lungs?

 Does incense and liquid used to repel mosquitoes affect the lungs? Mosquito control becomes a big challenge in summer season. The sound of mosquitoes disturbs sleep, if they bite, there is a risk of various diseases. Diseases like malaria and dengue are spread by mosquito bites. Although it is best to use mosquito nets to avoid mosquitoes, we also use quills, incense, ointments, and sprays instead. But many people do not realize that these materials are harmful to health. Mosquito coils contain pyrethrin pesticides, which cause lung damage. Incense used to repel mosquitoes, smoke comes out of quills. When it is lit inside the room, if there is no ventilator and no place for air, the smoke enters the body. which affects the mucocilia that protect the lungs from infection. Because of this, the elements, gas and carbon particles in the smoke get stuck in the lungs. People who smoke or smoke mosquito repellent for a long time are more likely to develop COPD asthma. Being in contact with s

Preparing for the Everest Adventure: Training and Logistics

Preparing for the Everest Adventure: Training and Logistics Embarking on the Everest adventure requires meticulous preparation, from physical training to logistical planning. Aspiring climbers must undergo rigorous training regimens to meet the physical demands of the climb, while expedition organizers handle complex logistics involving permits, guides, and specialized equipment. Here, we explore the essential aspects of preparing for an Everest expedition. Training Regimens for Aspiring Climbers: Physical Fitness: The physical demands of Everest necessitate a comprehensive training regimen. Climbers focus on cardiovascular endurance, strength training, and flexibility. Activities such as running, cycling, and high-intensity interval training (HIIT) help build stamina, while strength training targets key muscle groups required for climbing. Altitude Training: Given the high-altitude challenges of Everest, climbers often incorporate altitude training into their regimens. This may involv

Environmental Impact and Conservation Efforts: Balancing Ascent with Preservation

Environmental Impact and Conservation Efforts: Balancing Ascent with Preservation The majestic beauty of Mount Everest, with its pristine landscapes and fragile ecosystems, is under threat due to the environmental impact of climbing expeditions. As adventurers flock to conquer the summit, the Everest region faces challenges ranging from waste disposal to the degradation of natural habitats. However, amidst these concerns, dedicated initiatives and conservation measures are being implemented to ensure the sustainable coexistence of human exploration and the preservation of this awe-inspiring environment. Environmental Impact of Climbing Everest: Waste Management Challenges: One of the primary environmental concerns associated with Everest expeditions is the accumulation of waste. Base Camp, high camps, and climbing routes witness a substantial influx of climbers, each leaving behind a footprint of discarded equipment, packaging, and human waste. The extreme conditions make waste managem

Challenges and Dangers of Climbing Everest: Navigating the Thin Line Between Triumph and Peril

 Challenges and Dangers of Climbing Everest: Navigating the Thin Line Between Triumph and Peril Embarking on the ascent of Mount Everest is an endeavor fraught with challenges that test the physical and mental limits of even the most seasoned climbers. As climbers navigate the treacherous terrain and extreme altitudes, they must confront a myriad of obstacles that range from the physical toll on their bodies to the unpredictable forces of nature. In this exploration, we delve into the challenges and dangers faced by those who dare to climb Everest. Physical Challenges: Altitude and Oxygen Deprivation: One of the most formidable challenges on Everest is the relentless assault of high altitudes and diminishing oxygen levels. As climbers ascend beyond 26,000 feet (7,925 meters) into the "Death Zone," where oxygen levels are critically low, the body's ability to function is severely compromised. Altitude sickness, characterized by symptoms like nausea, dizziness, and fatigue,

Causes of skin wrinkles and how to prevent them

 Causes of skin wrinkles and how to prevent them According to the nature of the skin, it is divided into four types. Dry, oily (oily), combination (combination of dry and oily) and sensitive. Among these, the most common problem is dry and sensitive skin. Dry skin causes itching, allergies and other problems. Sensitive skin is more prone to acne breakouts. Oily or oily skin is not without problems. This kind of skin is more likely to get dandruff. However, since it has more glands that secrete sebum, the skin also looks soft. Also, weather and environment also play a role in the nature of the skin being different. The skin is usually smooth or oily in summer and dry in winter. What kind of cream to use? Sun protection cream is usually applied to dry skin. For oily skin, you can choose a gel or a quick-drying moisturizer that is less oily. You don't need to use a lot of moisturizer. Similarly, moisturizer can be used on both dry and oily (combination) skin according to its needs. Ho

Treatment complications and medical errors

Treatment complications and medical errors People have been trying to unravel the complexities of the human body for thousands of years. But the secrets of the human body hidden within the skin and muscles are still a challenge for medical science. The many undiscovered mysteries of the human body reveal the limitations of our knowledge. More than 60,000 types of problems can occur in the 13 organ systems of the human body. 4000 treatment procedures and surgical methods and more than 6000 medicines are used to address these various problems or disease conditions. It is impossible to predict how the human body will react to different types of diseases and their treatment. Therefore, despite the good intentions and honest efforts of doctors in treating patients, sometimes strange situations arise. Such complex situations that occur during treatment may be beyond the control of the doctor. which may lead to unintended or adverse consequences. Even if the doctor makes every effort to preve

Celebrating Respect for the Aged Day 2023: Honoring Wisdom and Experience

Celebrating Respect for the Aged Day 2023: Honoring Wisdom and Experience Respect for the Aged Day, also known as "Keiro no Hi" in Japan, is a special occasion dedicated to honoring and appreciating the elderly in society. Celebrated on the third Monday of September, this day recognizes the invaluable contributions, wisdom, and life experiences of our senior citizens. In 2023, as we mark Respect for the Aged Day, let's explore the significance of this observance and discover meaningful ways to show our respect and appreciation. ## **The Significance of Respect for the Aged Day** Respect for the Aged Day has deep cultural roots in Japan, where elderly individuals are highly revered for their wisdom and the valuable role they play in families and communities. It's a day when people come together to express gratitude and respect for their elders, acknowledging their lifelong achievements and sacrifices. ## **Celebrations and Traditions** In Japan, Respect for the Aged Da

Celebrating Chile National Day 2023: A Fiesta of Culture and Heritage

Celebrating Chile National Day 2023: A Fiesta of Culture and Heritage Chile National Day, also known as "Fiestas Patrias," is a time of vibrant celebrations, cultural richness, and national pride in Chile. On September 18th, Chileans come together to commemorate their country's independence with lively festivities, traditional food, music, and dance. As we mark Chile National Day in 2023, let's dive into the heart of this colorful and spirited celebration. ## **A Historical Prelude: Chile's Road to Independence** Chile's path to independence was marked by a series of significant events and battles. On September 18, 1810, Chileans initiated a process that would eventually lead to their independence from Spanish colonial rule. While it took several years of struggle and conflict, September 18th, 1818, marked the official declaration of Chilean independence, a day forever etched in the nation's history. ## **La Cueca: The National Dance of Chile** Chile Natio

Celebrating Matilde Landeta: A Pioneer of Mexican Cinema and Feminist Icon

Celebrating Matilde Landeta: A Pioneer of Mexican Cinema and Feminist Icon Matilde Landeta, a name that resonates through the annals of Mexican cinema and feminist history, is a true trailblazer who left an indelible mark on both fields. In this blog post, we'll take you on a journey through her life, her impactful films, her unwavering commitment to women's rights, and explore ways to celebrate her remarkable legacy. ## **Matilde Landeta's Life and Early Career** Matilde Landeta's journey began with humble beginnings, growing up in Mexico with a passion for storytelling. Her early experiences and influences would later shape her unique perspective as a filmmaker. Despite initial struggles, she persevered and embarked on a career that would leave an enduring mark on Mexican cinema. ## **Matilde Landeta's Impact on Mexican Cinema** Matilde Landeta's cinematic contributions are nothing short of exceptional. Films like "Tlayucan" (1962) and "Don Juan

What is Metabolism and How It Works

What is Metabolism and How It Works Metabolism is a collection of chemical reactions in the cells of the body. Whatever we eat to increase our physical energy, synthesis of biological substances, it helps in the production of energy and cells through important chemical reactions of metabolism. Metabolism is the function of easily providing nutrients, growth and the necessary molecules that operate smoothly in the body. The production of energy is one of the main components of metabolism.

What is the 'black box' on board, and how does it work? | What you need to know about lithium ion and lead acid batteries

What is the 'black box' on board, and how does it work? After all, what is the 'black box' on the plane? Why is it necessary to search for a plane crash? No matter how big a plane crash, why is there no damage to the 'black box'?

After Facebook and Instagram, avatars can now be placed on WhatsApp profiles as well | A possible ban on TikTok in the US will be voted on in Parliament next month

After Facebook and Instagram, avatars can now be placed on WhatsApp profiles as well WhatsApp users can now create an 'Avatar' on their profile.

How to make the child's teeth good and strong?

How to make the child's teeth good and strong? Children's teeth start to change between the ages of 6 and 7. Before that, baby teeth grow, which gradually fall out and new teeth start to grow. In this way, the teeth after the milk teeth are replaced are permanent, and if they are damaged again, there is no possibility of new teeth coming.

Teens, Social Media and Technology

Teens, Social Media and Technology Teens and social media have become almost inseparable in today's digital age. Many teens use social media platforms such as Instagram, TikTok, and Snapchat to connect with friends, share content, and stay up to date on trends and news.

Where AI Can — and Can't — Help Talent Management

Where AI Can — and Can't — Help Talent Management Artificial intelligence (AI) can be a valuable tool for talent management, as it can help organizations automate certain tasks, analyze large amounts of data, and make more informed decisions. However, it is important to recognize that AI is not a replacement for human judgment and decision-making, and it is not a one-size-fits-all solution.

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