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Showing posts with the label Problems

School meals are also causing gastric and ulcer problems in children

 School meals are also causing gastric and ulcer problems in children Previously, gastric and ulcer problems were seen mostly only in adults. But nowadays many school, college going children and teenagers have gastric problems. Changing diet and lifestyle are responsible for this. To tell the truth, today's children do not even have time to eat, and they do not even have a place to eat. Children are more busy than working adults. You have to get up in the morning and prepare to go to school. Food has to be eaten in a hurry, otherwise the school bus will miss. The pressure of studying in school is the same. They eat during the breaks for breakfast and lunch. But the food available at school may not always be suitable for their health. In the school morning, they have greasy, samosa fried in oil, pakoda, noodle soup, chowmin, masham. There is a lot of flour in the lunch of the canteen. In some colleges, students work while studying. Because they have to reach the office early in the

What causes spine problems?

What causes spine problems?   It is said that the spine is the lifeline of a person. Without this, we would not be able to stand straight.

Hormonal imbalance can become the cause of many problems in women, know how to balance your hormones?

Hormonal imbalance can become the cause of many problems in women, know how to balance your hormones? Hormones play a very important role in the body of women. From adolescence to child birth, hormones play a major role.

Psychological Problems Associated With Children

Psychological Problems Associated With Children 'Child is the father of man' means that a complete human being is hidden inside the mind of a child. If we wish for a peaceful and developing society, then it becomes our responsibility to save the mind of children from being disturbed. A survey conducted by psychologists found that most of the parents who abused their children badly were those who were neglected and victimized by their parents in their childhood. 

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