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"Having thyroid during pregnancy can be a risk to the baby"

 "Having thyroid during pregnancy can be a risk to the baby" There may be some complications during pregnancy. Thyroid is one of them. What happens if you have a thyroid during pregnancy? Can there be any risk to the unborn child? Can children born with thyroid be disabled? What options can be adopted if there is a thyroid in this situation? Thyroid disease specialist Dr. Online journalist Sumitra Luitel's conversation with Madhu Pandey: What kind of problem is the thyroid? How to understand it simply? The thyroid is a butterfly-shaped gland in the neck. The hormones released from it control and influence the work of many parts of the body. If there is any obstruction in the production of thyroid or its related hormones, it will cause many problems. Some people call the thyroid itself a disease, but it is not. There are problems such as goiter, low production of thyroid hormone, problem of excess production of thyroid hormone, swelling of the thyroid and lumps, growth of

Do you have a problem with swelling in your feet? These 6 diseases can also be signs

 Do you have a problem with swelling in your feet? These 6 diseases can also be signs The problem of general swelling of feet is seen in many people. When traveling in a long-distance bus or airplane, when traveling or working while standing for a long time, when bitten by an insect, when falling, when there is an injury caused by bumping somewhere, when a bone is broken, the leg becomes swollen. A woman's feet also get swollen during pregnancy. Such problems are common for a limited period of time, which will get better on their own after some time. But in some cases, when there is a problem in the organs like heart, kidney and liver without any injury, other symptoms can be seen along with swelling of the feet every day. Therefore, if the feet are swollen, an examination should be done immediately to find out the cause. How do you know if your feet are swollen? In general, due to poor blood circulation, the legs become swollen. If you press on the leg bone or ball with your finge

"Do not be afraid of chemotherapy"

"Do not be afraid of chemotherapy" Cancer patients start to panic as soon as they have to undergo chemotherapy. The side effects of chemotherapy are stressing them. While this therapy is more than just a friend for cancer patients. So forget its side effects and know something about chemotherapy. What kind of treatment is chemotherapy? Should you be afraid of chemotherapy or not? What are its side effects? Cancer specialist Dr. Conversation with Arun Shahi: What is chemotherapy? Chemotherapy is the most common treatment method for cancer. Chemotherapy is the drug used in the treatment of cancer. Chemotherapy uses drugs to destroy cancer cells. It works by stopping cancer cells from forming, growing and dividing other cells. What stage of cancer patients are given chemo? Cancer patients should be given chemotherapy according to their condition, stage and type of cancer. Some people should be given chemo at zero stage, while some should be given only at the fourth stage. Usuall

After Facebook and Instagram, avatars can now be placed on WhatsApp profiles as well | A possible ban on TikTok in the US will be voted on in Parliament next month

After Facebook and Instagram, avatars can now be placed on WhatsApp profiles as well WhatsApp users can now create an 'Avatar' on their profile.

AI Is Coming For Commercial Art Jobs. Can It Be Stopped?

AI Is Coming For Commercial Art Jobs. Can It Be Stopped? Artificial intelligence (AI) has the potential to disrupt many industries, including the field of commercial art. AI can be used to create artworks, such as paintings and illustrations, using algorithms that are trained on large datasets of existing art. In some cases, AI can even produce art that is indistinguishable from works created by humans.

Piles can be caused by constipation

Piles can be caused by constipation Poor digestion, lack of physical activity, dehydration, stress and wrong eating habits are the main causes of constipation. Constipation is a problem that causes a lot of problems while defecating in addition to not cleaning the patient's stomach properly. That is why the patient has to go to defecate many times.

Sugar level can be reduced in 15 days, an expert said 4 steps

Sugar level can be reduced in 15 days, an expert said 4 steps Blood Sugar Level: The number of diabetes patients in India is increasing day by day. Apart from adults, children are also affected by this disease.

Which juice should be drunk for strength in the body? Learn from a dietitian

Which juice should be drunk for strength in the body? Learn from a dietitian Fruit Juices Good for Strength: Drinking juice is very beneficial to give instant energy to the body and increase strength, know which juice should be drunk for strength?

Sadness and lack should also be taught to children

Sadness and lack should also be taught to children Suja Koirala of Kapan says, "We had to face so much suffering and poverty during our time. I have a daughter, I think that she should not have to suffer any kind of pain like us.

Covid: These are the things that should be taken care of when giving masks to children under five years of age

Covid: These are the things that should be taken care of when giving masks to children under five years of age Bishnumaya Maharjan, a resident of Baluwatar, takes her four-year-old daughter outside only by wearing a mask. After hearing that it is necessary to wear a mask to avoid infection after the corona virus epidemic was also seen in Nepal, she started wearing a mask not only for herself but also for her daughter from last year.

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