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Medical technology: What is colonoscopy, under what conditions is it done?

 Medical technology: What is colonoscopy, under what conditions is it done? A colonoscope is a type of medical device. The technique of inspecting and analyzing the lower part of the large intestine using it is called colonoscopy. With the help of this, the structure, conditions, diseases, treatment and prevention of the large intestine are obtained. During this test, the anus, rectum, sigmoid and the lower part of the large intestine are also examined. Which helps to detect from the growth of meat to cancer here. How is this tool? During a colonoscopy, a long and flexible tube with a light attached called a colonoscope is used. Which is tested through the anus to the lower part of the large intestine. A camera and a bright light are also attached to the colonoscope tube. So that part of the intestine can be seen in the camera with the help of light. When is this test required? Stomach problems If you have constant stomach pain but the cause is not found, a colonoscopy is done to see i

Treatment complications and medical errors

Treatment complications and medical errors People have been trying to unravel the complexities of the human body for thousands of years. But the secrets of the human body hidden within the skin and muscles are still a challenge for medical science. The many undiscovered mysteries of the human body reveal the limitations of our knowledge. More than 60,000 types of problems can occur in the 13 organ systems of the human body. 4000 treatment procedures and surgical methods and more than 6000 medicines are used to address these various problems or disease conditions. It is impossible to predict how the human body will react to different types of diseases and their treatment. Therefore, despite the good intentions and honest efforts of doctors in treating patients, sometimes strange situations arise. Such complex situations that occur during treatment may be beyond the control of the doctor. which may lead to unintended or adverse consequences. Even if the doctor makes every effort to preve

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