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How to recognize organic food?

 How to recognize organic food? Recently, people's fascination towards organic food has increased. With the increase in demand and popularity of organic food, organic food stores, organic vegetable and fruit shops have opened widely. Even though organic food is related to health, people are ready to spend any amount to use it. Organic food is not only related to the health of people, but also the environment. That is why organic farming is being discussed nowadays. If we talk about the history of organic farming in Nepal, in the 1980s, an American researcher, Judith Chase, came to Nepal and established a small organic garden in Dadhikot, Bhaktapur in 1987. In the same year, he established an NGO called 'Appropriate Agriculture Alternative'. From there, the concept of organic farming was introduced in Nepal. Jumla has been declared as the first organic district of Nepal. How organic are the animal husbandry and vegetable farms seen around Kathmandu and other urban areas? How

How safe are collagen supplements used for hair growth?

 How safe are collagen supplements used for hair growth? Everyone is worried about hair loss or thinning. Because it spoils the beauty and appearance of the face. There is not only one cause of hair loss. Stress, hormonal imbalance, excessive use of chemicals and sleep problems are the main ones. Regardless of the reason, nowadays people take over-the-counter products, home remedies and not just supplements to solve this problem without examining the cause. Of which collagen supplements are currently in discussion. What is collagen? Collagen is a protein, which contains amino acids such as glycine, proline and hydroxyproline. It helps to strengthen every part of our body including hair, muscles, blood vessels. The body also gets collagen from what we eat. As you get older. The collagen decreases. For this reason, collagen users have increased thinking that it is a safe option for hair growth. How appropriate to use collagen supplements? Experts who have studied this say that there is n

How much water should children drink?

 How much water should children drink? Previously, gastric and ulcer problems were seen mostly only in adults. But nowadays many school, college going children and teenagers have gastric problems. Changing diet and lifestyle are responsible for this. To tell the truth, today's children do not even have time to eat, and they do not even have a place to eat. Children are more busy than working adults. You have to get up in the morning and prepare to go to school. Food has to be eaten in a hurry, otherwise the school bus will miss. The pressure of studying in school is the same. They eat during the breaks for breakfast and lunch. But the food available at school may not always be suitable for their health. In school, they have greasy, samosa fried in oil, pakoda, noodle soup, chowmein, masham as their lunch in the morning. There is a lot of flour in the lunch of the canteen. In some colleges, students work while studying. Because they have to reach the office early in the morning, the

Causes of skin wrinkles and how to prevent them

 Causes of skin wrinkles and how to prevent them According to the nature of the skin, it is divided into four types. Dry, oily (oily), combination (combination of dry and oily) and sensitive. Among these, the most common problem is dry and sensitive skin. Dry skin causes itching, allergies and other problems. Sensitive skin is more prone to acne breakouts. Oily or oily skin is not without problems. This kind of skin is more likely to get dandruff. However, since it has more glands that secrete sebum, the skin also looks soft. Also, weather and environment also play a role in the nature of the skin being different. The skin is usually smooth or oily in summer and dry in winter. What kind of cream to use? Sun protection cream is usually applied to dry skin. For oily skin, you can choose a gel or a quick-drying moisturizer that is less oily. You don't need to use a lot of moisturizer. Similarly, moisturizer can be used on both dry and oily (combination) skin according to its needs. Ho

How is the child's mind sharp?

 How is the child's mind sharp? Human brain changes with age. Lifestyle, diet, physical and mental exercise make a difference. Are children born with good brains? No child is gifted from the mother's womb. Being in the mother's womb has some influence on the physical and mental development of the child. Like, the mother's diet, habits, and lifestyle have an effect on the unborn child. But from the womb, no child comes with a sharp mind, and no one comes with a weak one. A child is not gifted from the mother's womb. According to neuroscience, everyone has the same brain. But later, the lifestyle, work-behaviour, practice-tools he adopts will develop the ability of the mind. What kind of place we grow up, what kind of environment we get, what kind of food we eat, what kind of routine we adopt also affects the development of the mind. Suzuki Dashain Offer Therefore, those who do more brain work, practice, their brain capacity increases naturally. Brain exercise Just as

How easy is it for a 35-year-old woman to give birth to a child through the test-tube method?

How easy is it for a 35-year-old woman to give birth to a child through the test-tube method? Medical science is inventing new techniques for couples who cannot conceive through normal procedures. Recently, test-tube baby technology is proving to be a boon for childless couples. Doctors advise that it is better for women to have children before the age of 35. In this case, how easy is it to have a child by the test-tube baby method after 35 years? There is also a question. After this age, a woman's ability to produce eggs decreases, but artificially, one can get pregnant easily. Two methods are used, IQI and IVF. IQI (Ultra Uterine Insemination) In this method, after examining the male sperm, good healthy sperm are identified and placed in the female uterus through a catheter. Medicines are used for women's ovaries. The success rate is 15 to 20 percent. IVF (In Vitro Fertilization) IVF is used only after the IUI method fails. This is also done by two methods. In this method, a

How do children bring happiness to the family?

How do children bring happiness to the family? There is a saying in Nepali, 'Water and love flow from above to below.'

How is bubble tea, which is preferred by the young generation, made? | How to sit?

How is bubble tea, which is preferred by the young generation, made? Good atmosphere, delicious food and special drinks attract anyone. Nowadays, new cafes have opened in the city to fulfill the same desire of the customers. Apart from the cafe, a 'bubble tea station' has also been opened.

What is a healthy diet, benefits, habits, how to eat

What is a healthy diet, benefits, habits, how to eat When it comes to eating, there are many dishes in our mind that start spinning and their taste also starts coming into the mouth. But when we think about healthy diet, no one wants to understand the exact definition of healthy diet. Because nowadays food is eaten to satisfy the mind and not to nourish the body. Food rich in nutrients is healthy, but to understand this, we have to understand what is a healthy diet? Today, we have come up with the biggest question of life in this article, which is what is a healthy diet?

What is Metabolism and How It Works

What is Metabolism and How It Works Metabolism is a collection of chemical reactions in the cells of the body. Whatever we eat to increase our physical energy, synthesis of biological substances, it helps in the production of energy and cells through important chemical reactions of metabolism. Metabolism is the function of easily providing nutrients, growth and the necessary molecules that operate smoothly in the body. The production of energy is one of the main components of metabolism.

What is the 'black box' on board, and how does it work? | What you need to know about lithium ion and lead acid batteries

What is the 'black box' on board, and how does it work? After all, what is the 'black box' on the plane? Why is it necessary to search for a plane crash? No matter how big a plane crash, why is there no damage to the 'black box'?

How to make the child's teeth good and strong?

How to make the child's teeth good and strong? Children's teeth start to change between the ages of 6 and 7. Before that, baby teeth grow, which gradually fall out and new teeth start to grow. In this way, the teeth after the milk teeth are replaced are permanent, and if they are damaged again, there is no possibility of new teeth coming.

How AI can assist industries in environmental protection efforts

How AI can assist industries in environmental protection efforts Artificial intelligence (AI) has the potential to assist industries in their environmental protection efforts by providing insights and solutions to complex problems. AI technologies, such as machine learning and natural language processing, can be used to analyze large amounts of data and identify patterns and trends that can help industries better understand and manage their environmental impact.

Hormonal imbalance can become the cause of many problems in women, know how to balance your hormones?

Hormonal imbalance can become the cause of many problems in women, know how to balance your hormones? Hormones play a very important role in the body of women. From adolescence to child birth, hormones play a major role.

What is Initial Coin Offering (ICO) and how does it work?

What is Initial Coin Offering (ICO) and how does it work? Have you heard about ICO at the moment? Why today whoever you look at wants to know about this term ICO. Friends, as we know that Cryptocurrency is trending on the internet these days.

How is the chemistry of love created?

How is the chemistry of love created?  'Love' is such a broad and vast word, which creates tremors in the young heart. How is love born in people?

How to keep lips soft in winter?

How to keep lips soft in winter? In winter, the weather is dry, it is more cold, due to drinking less water, the lips become dry, chapped, and chapped. In such a situation, many products including lip balm are available in the market to maintain the beauty of the lips or make them soft. Which of these beauty products available in the market is more effective? How does it keep the lips soft?

How to sleep?

How to sleep? Rest is as essential as food and exercise. The body needs a certain period of complete rest. That's why we feel sleepy. Deep sleep itself is considered as nausea.

After how many days of menstruation does pregnancy occur after physical contact?

After how many days of menstruation does pregnancy occur after physical contact? Whether you are planning to have children or you are expecting children, you need to know about the pregnancy cycle. Especially, it can be decided whether or not to be pregnant based on the day of menstruation.

Risk of blindness in children due to premature birth, know how to prevent it

Risk of blindness in children due to premature birth, know how to prevent it Newborn Baby Blindness Causes: Premature birth increases the risk of blindness in babies, know prevention.

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