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What is the cause of difficulty breathing?

 What is the cause of difficulty breathing? Lung or heart disease causes shortness of breath. Psychological reasons like fear, worry and anxiety are also responsible for the problem of shortness of breath. Similarly, the problem of anemia in the blood also makes it difficult to breathe. Lung problems A chest X-ray and a pulmonary function test (spirometry) can be used to find out whether or not there is a breathing problem due to a lung-related problem. X-ray helps to identify the main problem (gross effect) only. Therefore, a lung disease specialist (pulmonary physician) can also perform a CT scan of the chest to make a detailed examination of the thorax area, keeping in mind that there is no infantile disease related to it. Similarly, nasal endoscopy can be done to check the inside of the nose. 'Bronchial asthma' is also one of the breathing problems, which is caused by air pollution. Fibrosis (scarring of the lung cells), effusion, infectious pneumonia, bronchitis (swelling

What to do after abortion?

 What to do after abortion? Sometimes there is such compulsion, where abortion is necessary. Like if the fetus is not developing properly, if there is any problem, if there is any complication in the pregnancy. Apart from that, even if there is an unwanted pregnancy, this option should be adopted. Unsafe relationships also force abortion. Forced abortion is necessary. However, abortion should not be taken lightly. As abortion is legal and its services are easily available, the tendency to have unprotected sex and have an abortion is not good. It can make women sick for a long time. How is abortion done? It is very important to have an ultrasound before the abortion. It shows how many days the pregnancy is and whether the baby is inside the uterus or not. After the ultrasound, the method of abortion is decided. If the pregnancy is up to nine weeks, the pill can be used for abortion. The pill causes abortion with bleeding. This option does not work if nine weeks of pregnancy have passed.

What should thyroid patients eat and not eat?

 What should thyroid patients eat and not eat?  Different hormones are necessary for the body to function properly. Thyroid is also a type of hormone in the body. It increases the metabolism in the body and controls the cells. Thyroid is not a disease, it is a gland in the neck. It makes T3 and T4 hormones. It helps the body to deliver the required elements to various organs and cells and the body gains strength. Metabolism is something that is needed by all body parts including lungs, bones, skin, heart. If there is a problem in the thyroid gland, it is considered to be a thyroid problem. Too much hormone is called hyperthyroidism and too little hormone is called hypothyroidism. It is mandatory for thyroid patients to take medicine to control it. Also, nutritionist Pratima Sen KC says that healthy diet and lifestyle are equally important for thyroid control. "Many people with thyroid problems are very confused about what kind of diet to follow, whether to eat vegetables such as c

What kind of disease is DID that shows multiple personalities in one person?

 What kind of disease is DID that shows multiple personalities in one person? Most of the people must have heard at one point or another that 'many souls reside in one body'. In some places, things like tantra mantras are also used to get rid of the superstition of ghosts or divine power residing in the body. But it is not a ghost but a mental illness. Due to a problem in the mind for some reason, such a problem appears in people. This is called 'Dissociative Identity Disorder' (DID). Earlier it was also called 'multiple personality disorder'. But now the name has been changed and called Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID). What is DID? Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID) is a mental disorder. In which one person has two or more personalities. The problem in this is called 'dissociation'. It means that the mind is hyper-aware of mental processes, separating itself from perception and memory. Cause of DID There can be many reasons for the problem of DID

What is the stomach? Let's understand in detail

 What is the stomach? Let's understand in detail If you think about the digestive system once, one word comes to mind 'stomach'. This is the part of the body that we think of when we are very hungry or when we are full. Especially the stomach? Stomach and liver disease specialist working at Grandi International Hospital in Dhapasi. Akhilesh Kashyap says, "Stomach is an organ in the shape of 'J' of the English alphabet and looks like a body for eating vegetables, which we understand as the stomach." According to him, the entire part of the stomach plays an important role in digestion. How does the stomach work? Dr. According to Kashyap, the main function of the stomach is to take the food to the digestion process. Stomach temporarily stores food. "It grinds the food and sends it to the small intestine," he says, "It gives the signal to the brain that it is hungry and tired." How does food reach the stomach? Dr. Veer Hospital Senior Gastr

What is City Scan? Does it have any effect?

 What is City Scan? Does it have any effect? What is City Scan? In which cases do doctors recommend a CT scan? What problems does it identify? In some serious diseases, doctors recommend a CT scan to get detailed information about a certain part of the body. A CT scan is a form of X-ray. The full name of which is computerized photography scan. The patient is sedated for the CT scan. The shape of this machine is like a tunnel. The inner part of this machine rotates at different angles and examines the parts to be examined. In a normal X-ray, only the state of the organs is known, but in a city scan, the position of the organs as well as the stage of the disease can also be found out. Why is it done? Doctors recommend a CT scan if detailed information about body tissues, blood vessels or bones is needed while investigating any disease. CT scan is done to see the condition of the patient in detail for muscle problems, serious diseases related to bones, stomach problems, during cancer trea

What to do to remove acne on the face?

 What to do to remove acne on the face? There are various kinds of worries about the beauty of the face. Among these, the unnecessary wrinkles on the face are causing a lot of pain. The skin has two layers - epidermis and dermis. In the epidermis there are cells called melanocytes, which produce color in the skin. If melano pigment accumulates in the skin from melanocytes, kothi is formed. Kothi occurs due to genetics and sun radiation. Hereditary nevus is like a birthmark, it is called congenital nevus. It can occur in any part of the body. Similarly, there is a condition caused by the radiation of the sun, which is called lentigenius. It usually occurs on the face, hands, and back where the body gets sunburned. It is more likely to occur in people who walk or work in the sun. Other tumors can appear anywhere on the body. In addition, it can appear at any time after birth, if it is visible on the upper surface, it can be seen on the inside, and the external hair grows. Acne on the fac

What is the problem of ADHD in children?

What is the problem of ADHD in children? Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a developmental disorder most commonly seen in childhood. This can be seen as problems with concentration, fidgeting, fidgety behavior, or similar. This problem is seen not only in children, but also in young people. It is important to know a few things about the ADHD problem, even though it may seem normal and it can last even into youth. If a child cannot concentrate on one task for a long time, if he is doing one task, then he leaves that task and starts another task in a moment, loses things, forgets, then these are symptoms of attention deficit. If you are very restless, don't stay in one place for a long time, can't wait your turn, don't have patience, if you have too much energy, this is a symptom of hyperactivity disorder. Some children have symptoms of both attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder, while some have only symptoms of attention deficit and hyperactivity diso

What causes colon cancer?

What causes colon cancer? Stomach and large intestine cancer has been seen in many people recently. In medical terms, it is called colorectal cancer. Colon cancer has many causes. This problem is more common in people who eat too much red meat, eat a lot of processed food, eat less green vegetables and do not exercise. This type of cancer used to occur in people of 50-60 years of age, now it is happening to people of 40-45 years of age. Causes of colon cancer Heredity is also one of the causes of colon cancer. If a family member has bowel cancer, there is a possibility that the child will also get cancer. Unhealthy diet, burnt, fried and red meat eaters are likely to have this problem. Symptoms Symptoms of colon cancer include diarrhea, constipation, black stools, blood in stools, feeling like stools but not coming, losing weight, not wanting to eat, stomach cramps, nausea, bloating, weakness, and feeling tired. How to know? The amount of blood in the body should be checked. For this,

What to do when you have high blood pressure?

What to do when you have high blood pressure? In today's busy lifestyle, high blood pressure has become a chronic disease seen in many. Many people do not take it seriously because high blood pressure does not immediately show any complicated problems in the body. But due to this, big health problems can occur. So you should check your blood pressure every now and then. Generally, blood pressure is considered normal if it is above 140 and below 80-90. Above 120 to 139 or below 80 to 89 is called prehypertension. This is the condition before high blood pressure. If the blood pressure is above 140 or more, it is called high blood pressure. Should blood pressure be taken or not? First of all, we should know whether the blood pressure is really high or not. Because sometimes fever, stress, fear, panic, sudden events can increase the pressure. Similarly, measuring blood pressure after morning walk or exercise can show high blood pressure. But it is only momentary, you don't need to

What to do when pregnant

What to do when pregnant Pregnancy itself is a complex and special situation. In this situation, not only the happiness of becoming a mother is connected, but there is a social, family and intimate relationship with the womb. The physical and hormonal changes that occur during pregnancy add to the problems and worries of pregnant women. Therefore, if pregnant women and family members are well aware of these changes, the stress will be reduced. Therefore, it is better for every couple to make a pregnancy plan and seek medical advice before conceiving. The pregnancy period is 9 months and the delivery period is 1 month and 15 days, and the period of 6 months of feeding the child only with mother's milk, i.e. about 15 months, is a long time. Since the management of this long term and the new life it gives is a threat to one's own life, if one can proceed with a conscious plan for pregnancy, the health and development of both the mother and the child will be better and the stress w

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