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Showing posts with the label menstruation

What happens after menstruation dries up?

What happens after menstruation dries up? A woman's physical structure is so complex that it has to go through great upheaval at different times. Menstruation begins between the ages of 9 and 13, pregnancy at a young age, labor pains, and menopause again later in life.

After how many days of menstruation does pregnancy occur after physical contact?

After how many days of menstruation does pregnancy occur after physical contact? Whether you are planning to have children or you are expecting children, you need to know about the pregnancy cycle. Especially, it can be decided whether or not to be pregnant based on the day of menstruation.

Covid Nepal: Vaccination 'effect on menstruation is not long term'

Covid Nepal: Vaccination 'effect on menstruation is not long term' In Nepal, some women are reporting that their menstruation has been affected after being vaccinated against Covid.

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