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Do you have a problem with swelling in your feet? These 6 diseases can also be signs

 Do you have a problem with swelling in your feet? These 6 diseases can also be signs The problem of general swelling of feet is seen in many people. When traveling in a long-distance bus or airplane, when traveling or working while standing for a long time, when bitten by an insect, when falling, when there is an injury caused by bumping somewhere, when a bone is broken, the leg becomes swollen. A woman's feet also get swollen during pregnancy. Such problems are common for a limited period of time, which will get better on their own after some time. But in some cases, when there is a problem in the organs like heart, kidney and liver without any injury, other symptoms can be seen along with swelling of the feet every day. Therefore, if the feet are swollen, an examination should be done immediately to find out the cause. How do you know if your feet are swollen? In general, due to poor blood circulation, the legs become swollen. If you press on the leg bone or ball with your finge

What to do when you have high blood pressure?

What to do when you have high blood pressure? In today's busy lifestyle, high blood pressure has become a chronic disease seen in many. Many people do not take it seriously because high blood pressure does not immediately show any complicated problems in the body. But due to this, big health problems can occur. So you should check your blood pressure every now and then. Generally, blood pressure is considered normal if it is above 140 and below 80-90. Above 120 to 139 or below 80 to 89 is called prehypertension. This is the condition before high blood pressure. If the blood pressure is above 140 or more, it is called high blood pressure. Should blood pressure be taken or not? First of all, we should know whether the blood pressure is really high or not. Because sometimes fever, stress, fear, panic, sudden events can increase the pressure. Similarly, measuring blood pressure after morning walk or exercise can show high blood pressure. But it is only momentary, you don't need to

6 things, you must pay attention when buying medicine

6 things, you must pay attention when buying medicine When we are sick, we go to the pharmacy to buy medicine. If there is a doctor's prescription, then most of them have the habit of buying the medicine they need quickly. But when we buy medicine in this way, we are not paying attention to many things. Therefore, special attention should be paid to these 6 things while purchasing medicine. Buying medicine according to doctor's prescription Always buy medicines only according to the prescription after consulting a doctor. You should not buy self-medication. Similarly, medicines should be bought only from pharmacies that have an officially registered certificate. When buying medicine, you should not buy medicine that is not written in the prescription but that works the same way, but the medicine of another company's pharmacy tries to give it. Such drugs can have positive or negative effects on the body. Therefore, such medicine should not be purchased. Because as soon as th

What do you do when you wake up in the morning? | How safe is it to have sexual intercourse during menstruation?

What do you do when you wake up in the morning? It is said that if the morning starts well, the body will be agile and agile throughout the day. Therefore, you should pay special attention to what you do after waking up in the morning.

Why you need more women on your data science team

Why you need more women on your data science team There are several reasons why it is important to have a diverse data science team, including the benefits of having a team with a range of perspectives, experiences, and skills. 

You have to pay to watch the FourK video on YouTube!

You have to pay to watch the FourK video on YouTube! YouTube, which is popular as a platform to watch videos for free, is gradually transforming into a paid platform. In recent times, Google has linked various features of YouTube with premium subscriptions. As a result, users have to pay for a better experience on YouTube.

Finally, Twitter has a feature that allows you to edit tweets

Finally, Twitter has a feature that allows you to edit tweets Finally, Twitter has released the edit button. Along with this, tweets that have been posted on Twitter can also be edited. However, the company has limited this feature. Currently, this feature can only be used by users in Australia, Canada and New Zealand. After this, it is said that it will be available in America soon. Users from other countries will have to wait some more time for this feature.

Now you can use animated emojis on Android

Now you can use animated emojis on Android Google is doing its homework to provide a new generation of free emojis under its 'Noto Emoji Project'. For that, it is said that 31 new emojis will be added first. By adding that, there will be a total of 3,664 Unicode emojis for Android.

UK Royal Family: Here's what you need to know

UK Royal Family: Here's what you need to know Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, died last Friday at the age of 99. He was married to Queen Elizabeth II 73 years ago. Prince Philip is by far the longest-married head of state in Britain's modern history.

Do you feel that married life is becoming dull? Fill the relationship with color

Do you feel that married life is becoming dull? Fill the relationship with color Be it love marriage or beggar marriage. For a few years of marriage, husband and wife are eager for each other, harmonious relationship and full of love. They envision a beautiful and colorful world.

How to express your feelings to the person you like?

How to express your feelings to the person you like? Human nature is different. Their behavior depends on this nature. Some can confidently express what they feel, while others cannot speak their mind at all.

Short Inspirational Stories That Can Make You Successful 2022

Short Inspirational Stories That Can Make You Successful 2022 Here I'm sharing with you the best Short Inspirational Stories in Hindi, I'm sure it will change your mindset which helps you to grow in your personal and professional.

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