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Do you have a problem with swelling in your feet? These 6 diseases can also be signs

 Do you have a problem with swelling in your feet? These 6 diseases can also be signs The problem of general swelling of feet is seen in many people. When traveling in a long-distance bus or airplane, when traveling or working while standing for a long time, when bitten by an insect, when falling, when there is an injury caused by bumping somewhere, when a bone is broken, the leg becomes swollen. A woman's feet also get swollen during pregnancy. Such problems are common for a limited period of time, which will get better on their own after some time. But in some cases, when there is a problem in the organs like heart, kidney and liver without any injury, other symptoms can be seen along with swelling of the feet every day. Therefore, if the feet are swollen, an examination should be done immediately to find out the cause. How do you know if your feet are swollen? In general, due to poor blood circulation, the legs become swollen. If you press on the leg bone or ball with your finge

6 things, you must pay attention when buying medicine

6 things, you must pay attention when buying medicine When we are sick, we go to the pharmacy to buy medicine. If there is a doctor's prescription, then most of them have the habit of buying the medicine they need quickly. But when we buy medicine in this way, we are not paying attention to many things. Therefore, special attention should be paid to these 6 things while purchasing medicine. Buying medicine according to doctor's prescription Always buy medicines only according to the prescription after consulting a doctor. You should not buy self-medication. Similarly, medicines should be bought only from pharmacies that have an officially registered certificate. When buying medicine, you should not buy medicine that is not written in the prescription but that works the same way, but the medicine of another company's pharmacy tries to give it. Such drugs can have positive or negative effects on the body. Therefore, such medicine should not be purchased. Because as soon as th

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