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Showing posts with the label should

What should thyroid patients eat and not eat?

 What should thyroid patients eat and not eat?  Different hormones are necessary for the body to function properly. Thyroid is also a type of hormone in the body. It increases the metabolism in the body and controls the cells. Thyroid is not a disease, it is a gland in the neck. It makes T3 and T4 hormones. It helps the body to deliver the required elements to various organs and cells and the body gains strength. Metabolism is something that is needed by all body parts including lungs, bones, skin, heart. If there is a problem in the thyroid gland, it is considered to be a thyroid problem. Too much hormone is called hyperthyroidism and too little hormone is called hypothyroidism. It is mandatory for thyroid patients to take medicine to control it. Also, nutritionist Pratima Sen KC says that healthy diet and lifestyle are equally important for thyroid control. "Many people with thyroid problems are very confused about what kind of diet to follow, whether to eat vegetables such as c

Diabetic patients should follow these 5 home remedies to keep the body cool, to get relief from heat

 Diabetic patients should follow these 5 home remedies to keep the body cool, to get relief from heat Home Remedies to Control Body Heat For Diabetic Patients: Monsoon is about to start in many parts of the country. At the same time, the outbreak of heat is still continuing in North India. Summer season is challenging for diabetic patients. In hot weather, excessive sweating and dehydration can make it difficult to control blood sugar levels. Diabetes also affects the heart and blood vessels. Due to high temperature and humidity, the heart has to work harder, which leads to fatigue. It feels more hot. Side effects of some diabetes medications can also cause overheating. In this article, you will know some simple home remedies to keep the body cool. 1. Drink Aloe Vera Juice- Diabetic Patients Can Drink Aloe Vera Juice Consumption of aloe vera juice is beneficial in summer season. Drinking aloe vera juice in summer helps to keep the body cool. Nutrients like chromium and magnesium presen

How much water should children drink?

 How much water should children drink? Previously, gastric and ulcer problems were seen mostly only in adults. But nowadays many school, college going children and teenagers have gastric problems. Changing diet and lifestyle are responsible for this. To tell the truth, today's children do not even have time to eat, and they do not even have a place to eat. Children are more busy than working adults. You have to get up in the morning and prepare to go to school. Food has to be eaten in a hurry, otherwise the school bus will miss. The pressure of studying in school is the same. They eat during the breaks for breakfast and lunch. But the food available at school may not always be suitable for their health. In school, they have greasy, samosa fried in oil, pakoda, noodle soup, chowmein, masham as their lunch in the morning. There is a lot of flour in the lunch of the canteen. In some colleges, students work while studying. Because they have to reach the office early in the morning, the

Why should parents help children to do 'homework'?

Why should parents help children to do 'homework'? Along with studying, homework is also considered mandatory. How important is homework? Academicians are divided on this. Some have said that homework is necessary to improve students' studies, while some have argued that there is no point in homework.

Why should one not take medicine without asking the doctor?

Why should one not take medicine without asking the doctor? It is necessary to consult a doctor before taking any medicine. Who is the medicine for? For what problem? How much? At what time? how Things like that are mentioned. The amount of medicine varies according to the health problem, age, weight, gender. Although we are in a hurry to take some medicines, we do not consult any doctor.

Which juice should be drunk for strength in the body? Learn from a dietitian

Which juice should be drunk for strength in the body? Learn from a dietitian Fruit Juices Good for Strength: Drinking juice is very beneficial to give instant energy to the body and increase strength, know which juice should be drunk for strength?

Sadness and lack should also be taught to children

Sadness and lack should also be taught to children Suja Koirala of Kapan says, "We had to face so much suffering and poverty during our time. I have a daughter, I think that she should not have to suffer any kind of pain like us.

Covid: These are the things that should be taken care of when giving masks to children under five years of age

Covid: These are the things that should be taken care of when giving masks to children under five years of age Bishnumaya Maharjan, a resident of Baluwatar, takes her four-year-old daughter outside only by wearing a mask. After hearing that it is necessary to wear a mask to avoid infection after the corona virus epidemic was also seen in Nepal, she started wearing a mask not only for herself but also for her daughter from last year.

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