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How to eliminate the child's habit of sleeping late?

 How to eliminate the child's habit of sleeping late? Adequate sleep is essential for the physical and mental development of children. But today's children are used to using mobile phones and laptops late at night. One is that the parents themselves sleep late. Another is that they also let them watch mobile phones or TV so that the children do not disturb. What do the children want next? They may be developing the habit of going to bed late and waking up late watching content, playing games, and staying on social media 24 hours a day until they die. The effect of which is falling on their daily life. It looks normal, but the habit of sleeping late at night is increasing obesity, lack of concentration and laziness in children. Sleeping late can never be a good habit. To eliminate this habit, parents should make a certain schedule of sleeping and getting up for the child from an early age. what to do Dinner should be eaten quickly Dinner should be fed as soon as the sun sets so

What is the cause of difficulty breathing?

 What is the cause of difficulty breathing? Lung or heart disease causes shortness of breath. Psychological reasons like fear, worry and anxiety are also responsible for the problem of shortness of breath. Similarly, the problem of anemia in the blood also makes it difficult to breathe. Lung problems A chest X-ray and a pulmonary function test (spirometry) can be used to find out whether or not there is a breathing problem due to a lung-related problem. X-ray helps to identify the main problem (gross effect) only. Therefore, a lung disease specialist (pulmonary physician) can also perform a CT scan of the chest to make a detailed examination of the thorax area, keeping in mind that there is no infantile disease related to it. Similarly, nasal endoscopy can be done to check the inside of the nose. 'Bronchial asthma' is also one of the breathing problems, which is caused by air pollution. Fibrosis (scarring of the lung cells), effusion, infectious pneumonia, bronchitis (swelling

What kind of disease is DID that shows multiple personalities in one person?

 What kind of disease is DID that shows multiple personalities in one person? Most of the people must have heard at one point or another that 'many souls reside in one body'. In some places, things like tantra mantras are also used to get rid of the superstition of ghosts or divine power residing in the body. But it is not a ghost but a mental illness. Due to a problem in the mind for some reason, such a problem appears in people. This is called 'Dissociative Identity Disorder' (DID). Earlier it was also called 'multiple personality disorder'. But now the name has been changed and called Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID). What is DID? Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID) is a mental disorder. In which one person has two or more personalities. The problem in this is called 'dissociation'. It means that the mind is hyper-aware of mental processes, separating itself from perception and memory. Cause of DID There can be many reasons for the problem of DID

These 4 health benefits of drinking Kalonji tea, know its recipe

 These 4 health benefits of drinking Kalonji tea, know its recipe What Is The Best Way To Consume Kalonji: Kalonji has been used in traditional medicine for a long time. Apart from this, it is also used in food to enhance its taste. It is a native spice which is considered medicinal in Ayurveda. It has natural properties that make it beneficial in many health problems. You can also consume Kalonji by making tea. If you drink a cup of Kalonji tea every morning, you will get many benefits. To know about its benefits, we talked to the Chief Medical Officer of Jindal Nature Cure Institute in Bangalore. Babina N.M Se. Benefits of drinking Kalonji tea for health - Health Benefits of Drinking Kalonji Tea Full of Antioxidants Antioxidants called thymoquinone are found in Kaloonji tea, which help protect cells from damage. These antioxidants also reduce the risk of chronic diseases like cancer, heart disease and diabetes. Blood sugar control Rahta Hai - Control Blood Sugar If you are a diabetic

Challenges and Dangers of Climbing Everest: Navigating the Thin Line Between Triumph and Peril

 Challenges and Dangers of Climbing Everest: Navigating the Thin Line Between Triumph and Peril Embarking on the ascent of Mount Everest is an endeavor fraught with challenges that test the physical and mental limits of even the most seasoned climbers. As climbers navigate the treacherous terrain and extreme altitudes, they must confront a myriad of obstacles that range from the physical toll on their bodies to the unpredictable forces of nature. In this exploration, we delve into the challenges and dangers faced by those who dare to climb Everest. Physical Challenges: Altitude and Oxygen Deprivation: One of the most formidable challenges on Everest is the relentless assault of high altitudes and diminishing oxygen levels. As climbers ascend beyond 26,000 feet (7,925 meters) into the "Death Zone," where oxygen levels are critically low, the body's ability to function is severely compromised. Altitude sickness, characterized by symptoms like nausea, dizziness, and fatigue,

The Journey to the Summit: Climbing Routes of Mount Everest

The Journey to the Summit: Climbing Routes of Mount Everest Embarking on the ascent of Mount Everest is a monumental undertaking, and climbers must navigate treacherous terrain, extreme altitudes, and unpredictable weather. Two primary routes, the South Col route in Nepal and the North Col route in Tibet, serve as gateways to the summit, each presenting its own set of challenges and rewards. The South Col Route (Nepal): Overview: The South Col route, originating in Nepal, is the most popular and widely used path to the summit of Everest. This route offers climbers the opportunity to experience the rich cultural tapestry of the Khumbu region, the camaraderie of Everest Base Camp, and the iconic ascent through the Western Cwm. Base Camp: The journey begins at Everest Base Camp (EBC), located at an elevation of approximately 17,600 feet (5,364 meters). EBC serves as the hub of activity and preparation. Climbers acclimatize, fine-tune their equipment, and undergo rigorous training under th

Cultural Significance of Mount Everest: Where Spirituality Meets Summit Aspirations

 Cultural Significance of Mount Everest: Where Spirituality Meets Summit Aspirations The Spiritual Importance of Everest in Local Cultures and Religions Mount Everest, beyond its towering physical presence, holds profound spiritual significance in the hearts and minds of the local cultures nestled in its shadow. For the people of Nepal and Tibet, Everest is more than a geological marvel; it is a sacred icon, a manifestation of the divine, and a conduit to the heavens. In Hinduism, Everest is revered as "Sagarmatha," meaning "Goddess Mother of the World." The mountain is believed to be the dwelling place of the goddess and is intricately woven into the fabric of Hindu cosmology. Devotees view Everest not merely as a physical peak but as a spiritual realm where the divine and earthly realms converge. Pilgrims from far and wide undertake arduous journeys to the Everest region, seeking blessings and spiritual fulfillment. In Tibetan Buddhism, Everest is known as "C

The History of Mount Everest: From Early Explorations to Historic Ascent

 The History of Mount Everest: From Early Explorations to Historic Ascent Early Explorations and Attempts to Conquer the Summit Long before the triumphant ascent of Sir Edmund Hillary and Tenzing Norgay in 1953, Mount Everest lured adventurers and explorers with its mystique and challenge. The story of Everest's conquest is a tapestry woven with the threads of audacity, determination, and, at times, tragedy. The early 20th century saw several expeditions attempting to reach Everest's summit, with each one contributing to our understanding of the challenges posed by the world's highest peak. The British, captivated by the allure of Everest, led the way in these early endeavors. The 1920 and 1922 British expeditions, spearheaded by mountaineers such as George Mallory and Edward Norton, marked the first serious attempts to reach the summit. Tragedy struck in 1924 when George Mallory and Andrew Irvine disappeared during their summit bid, adding an air of mystery to Everest'

Causes of skin wrinkles and how to prevent them

 Causes of skin wrinkles and how to prevent them According to the nature of the skin, it is divided into four types. Dry, oily (oily), combination (combination of dry and oily) and sensitive. Among these, the most common problem is dry and sensitive skin. Dry skin causes itching, allergies and other problems. Sensitive skin is more prone to acne breakouts. Oily or oily skin is not without problems. This kind of skin is more likely to get dandruff. However, since it has more glands that secrete sebum, the skin also looks soft. Also, weather and environment also play a role in the nature of the skin being different. The skin is usually smooth or oily in summer and dry in winter. What kind of cream to use? Sun protection cream is usually applied to dry skin. For oily skin, you can choose a gel or a quick-drying moisturizer that is less oily. You don't need to use a lot of moisturizer. Similarly, moisturizer can be used on both dry and oily (combination) skin according to its needs. Ho

What is the problem of ADHD in children?

What is the problem of ADHD in children? Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a developmental disorder most commonly seen in childhood. This can be seen as problems with concentration, fidgeting, fidgety behavior, or similar. This problem is seen not only in children, but also in young people. It is important to know a few things about the ADHD problem, even though it may seem normal and it can last even into youth. If a child cannot concentrate on one task for a long time, if he is doing one task, then he leaves that task and starts another task in a moment, loses things, forgets, then these are symptoms of attention deficit. If you are very restless, don't stay in one place for a long time, can't wait your turn, don't have patience, if you have too much energy, this is a symptom of hyperactivity disorder. Some children have symptoms of both attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder, while some have only symptoms of attention deficit and hyperactivity diso

Celebrating Chile National Day 2023: A Fiesta of Culture and Heritage

Celebrating Chile National Day 2023: A Fiesta of Culture and Heritage Chile National Day, also known as "Fiestas Patrias," is a time of vibrant celebrations, cultural richness, and national pride in Chile. On September 18th, Chileans come together to commemorate their country's independence with lively festivities, traditional food, music, and dance. As we mark Chile National Day in 2023, let's dive into the heart of this colorful and spirited celebration. ## **A Historical Prelude: Chile's Road to Independence** Chile's path to independence was marked by a series of significant events and battles. On September 18, 1810, Chileans initiated a process that would eventually lead to their independence from Spanish colonial rule. While it took several years of struggle and conflict, September 18th, 1818, marked the official declaration of Chilean independence, a day forever etched in the nation's history. ## **La Cueca: The National Dance of Chile** Chile Natio

Celebrating Hedwig Dohm: A Trailblazer of Women's Rights on Her 192nd Birthday

Celebrating Hedwig Dohm: A Trailblazer of Women's Rights on Her 192nd Birthday On September 20th, we commemorate the 192nd birthday of Hedwig Dohm, a remarkable feminist, writer, and advocate for women's rights whose legacy continues to inspire generations. As we celebrate her life and contributions, let's take a closer look at the remarkable journey of this pioneering woman who left an indelible mark on the feminist movement. ## **Hedwig Dohm: A Brief Biography** Hedwig Dohm was born on September 20, 1831, in Nossentin, Germany. Her life unfolded against the backdrop of a society where women's rights and gender equality were largely disregarded. Despite these challenging circumstances, Dohm was determined to challenge the status quo and fight for the rights and dignity of women. ## **Literary Contributions** Dohm was not only a trailblazer in advocating for women's rights but also a prolific writer. She penned numerous essays, novels, and plays that tackled critica

Celebrating Matilde Landeta: A Pioneer of Mexican Cinema and Feminist Icon

Celebrating Matilde Landeta: A Pioneer of Mexican Cinema and Feminist Icon Matilde Landeta, a name that resonates through the annals of Mexican cinema and feminist history, is a true trailblazer who left an indelible mark on both fields. In this blog post, we'll take you on a journey through her life, her impactful films, her unwavering commitment to women's rights, and explore ways to celebrate her remarkable legacy. ## **Matilde Landeta's Life and Early Career** Matilde Landeta's journey began with humble beginnings, growing up in Mexico with a passion for storytelling. Her early experiences and influences would later shape her unique perspective as a filmmaker. Despite initial struggles, she persevered and embarked on a career that would leave an enduring mark on Mexican cinema. ## **Matilde Landeta's Impact on Mexican Cinema** Matilde Landeta's cinematic contributions are nothing short of exceptional. Films like "Tlayucan" (1962) and "Don Juan

Risk of gastric ulcer

Risk of gastric ulcer Gastric has become a common problem now. Experts estimate that about 80 percent of Nepalese will get gastric at some point. Therefore, sarcastically, it is also called 'national disease'. "Gastric" is called "gastritis" in medical language. Gastritis can affect anyone from children to the elderly. What is gastric? Stomach swelling problem is gastric. Hydrochloric acid released from gastric juice helps in digestion of food. People feel gastric when the amount of acid is high for some reason. After gastric, there are problems such as sour belching, pain in the upper part of the stomach, bloating, swelling, numbness, pain in the middle of the chest, vomiting, lack of appetite, loss of appetite, black stool, body pain and feeling weak. the reason Helicopillary germs are the main cause of gastritis in 70 percent. This germ is produced in the body itself. When the production and amount of hydrochloric acid and Helicobacter pylori are not coor

"Do not be afraid of chemotherapy"

"Do not be afraid of chemotherapy" Cancer patients start to panic as soon as they have to undergo chemotherapy. The side effects of chemotherapy are stressing them. While this therapy is more than just a friend for cancer patients. So forget its side effects and know something about chemotherapy. What kind of treatment is chemotherapy? Should you be afraid of chemotherapy or not? What are its side effects? Cancer specialist Dr. Conversation with Arun Shahi: What is chemotherapy? Chemotherapy is the most common treatment method for cancer. Chemotherapy is the drug used in the treatment of cancer. Chemotherapy uses drugs to destroy cancer cells. It works by stopping cancer cells from forming, growing and dividing other cells. What stage of cancer patients are given chemo? Cancer patients should be given chemotherapy according to their condition, stage and type of cancer. Some people should be given chemo at zero stage, while some should be given only at the fourth stage. Usuall

Hotmail was one of the first major web-based email services.

Hotmail was one of the first major web-based email services. Hotmail was one of the first major web-based email services, launching in 1996. It was developed by Sabeer Bhatia and Jack Smith, and was initially funded by venture capital firm Draper Fisher Jurvetson. Hotmail was acquired by Microsoft in 1997 and rebranded as MSN Hotmail, later becoming simply Windows Live Hotmail.

Sophistication of Metaverse Avatars | Motion Tracking

 Sophistication of Metaverse Avatars The term "metaverse" refers to a collective virtual shared space, typically containing many individual virtual worlds. Within the metaverse, users can interact with each other and with digital content through the use of avatars, which are virtual representations of the user's identity. The sophistication of these avatars can vary depending on the capabilities of the platform and the level of detail and customization that is possible.

Hormonal imbalance can become the cause of many problems in women, know how to balance your hormones?

Hormonal imbalance can become the cause of many problems in women, know how to balance your hormones? Hormones play a very important role in the body of women. From adolescence to child birth, hormones play a major role.

Beware of such people on social media | Do you want to 'break up' with Facebook? Don't forget this | How to view locked Facebook profiles?

Beware of such people on social media For the past few days, individuals/criminal groups have been misusing technology and adopting various trends through social media to commit online fraud day by day. In view of this situation, the Cyber Bureau has been requested to be aware of such cheating trends.

How is the chemistry of love created?

How is the chemistry of love created?  'Love' is such a broad and vast word, which creates tremors in the young heart. How is love born in people?

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