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Finger flexion can lead to joint problems

 Finger flexion can lead to joint problems Many people have a habit of cracking their fingers and neck when they feel lazy. A lot of people are doing it when they are working on the computer or when they are thinking about something. They argue that it relieves laziness and fatigue. But the question arises is it right or wrong to do so? Does this really relax the fingers and neck or harm it? When the fluid in the bone joint bursts, this noise is produced. The habit of cracking fingers or neck is not good, it can affect the joints. The cells of the joint begin to deteriorate when the fingers are repeatedly sprained. As a result, the grip of the hand joints is weak. Repeated finger stubbing can cause swelling and pain in the joint after some time. Prolonged exposure can weaken the bones. There is no immediate pain when pinching the finger, but gradually the pain starts in the joint of the finger. Because the fluid between the fingers begins to decrease when the fingers are repeatedly pin

What to eat and what not to eat if you have a fever?

 What to eat and what not to eat if you have a fever? Fever is a symbolic or self-protective process of the human body. When there is a fever, the temperature of the human body increases. Human body heat is conducted by a system. When the system decides to increase the temperature, fever occurs. In general, a body temperature above 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit and 937 degrees Celsius is considered a fever. A body temperature above 104 degrees Fahrenheit (40 degrees Celsius) is considered dangerous. Fever is a sign of infection somewhere in the body. Fever occurs due to the infection of micro-organisms such as virus, bacteria or when there is a big injury in the body. But having a fever is stressful, struggling and painful, as it weakens your body and makes you hungry and unwilling to do anything. When you have a fever, you may not feel like eating or drinking anything, but it's important to eat a more balanced diet when you have a fever than usual because of the extra stress on your bod

How to know depression?

 How to know depression? Being happy and sad is the natural quality of human beings. But its amount and duration can be different. People naturally feel sad when they lose something, when there is an unpleasant incident, when there is a difficult situation in their life. It is normal to be depressed for a while, but some people are so overwhelmed by despair and loneliness that they stay depressed for months. Abnormal feelings, thoughts and behavior lasting two weeks or more and having a negative impact on a person's daily life, relationships and responsibilities is called depression. the reason Depression can often be caused by psychological, genetic or social factors. Once its effect is on the mind, thinking about it deeply changes the way the mind thinks. Depression can affect children, adolescents and the elderly in all age groups. Loss of job, divorce, problems at work, serious health problems, family discord, pain of losing someone or not being able to escape from someone'

The child refuses to eat, what to do?

 The child refuses to eat, what to do?  Humagai of the Rishi of Kapan does not accept food. Parents should follow him while feeding him. They don't even eat without watching mobile and TV. Her parents are very shocked by this behavior of Rishika. His weight is very low due to not eating properly. Reluctant to eat home food, she eats food like samosas and masham from outside in a more casual way. In the same way, Rimal, who is grateful to Jorpati, refuses to eat. Her mother gets worried seeing that she has not eaten. She takes many measures so that her son eats food. She makes new dishes. Even then, they refuse to eat grateful food. His son's habit of not eating this food has shocked him. **** Little kids don't know how to tell me they don't like this food. Parents complain that my child did not eat, but they do not remember well why they did not eat, pediatrician Dr. Baburam Pandey says. Children's weight should be according to their age. Therefore, every parent sho

19 Sutras for Teaching Sanskar to Children

 19 Sutras for Teaching Sanskar to Children Bal Sanskar means to educate and educate him from birth to adulthood. Children stay with their parents since they are infants. Children are closer to their mothers than to their fathers. They learn many things from their mother, follow and follow. In our society, mothers are closer to children than fathers, as fathers are busy with earning. Grandparents also stay with some babies. Some may have only one of their grandparents. Babies can also learn some old rituals from their grandparents until they become adults. When both the parents are busy, the children are also assigned to nursery school and Monteshwari school according to today's custom. When children are entrusted to such institutions at an early age, children may be deprived of certain rituals. As money is not a big issue, it is better if one of the parents stays at home. Especially mothers can be serious about children and take care of them. 19 formulas required for child rites A

How to eliminate the child's habit of sleeping late?

 How to eliminate the child's habit of sleeping late? Adequate sleep is essential for the physical and mental development of children. But today's children are used to using mobile phones and laptops late at night. One is that the parents themselves sleep late. Another is that they also let them watch mobile phones or TV so that the children do not disturb. What do the children want next? They may be developing the habit of going to bed late and waking up late watching content, playing games, and staying on social media 24 hours a day until they die. The effect of which is falling on their daily life. It looks normal, but the habit of sleeping late at night is increasing obesity, lack of concentration and laziness in children. Sleeping late can never be a good habit. To eliminate this habit, parents should make a certain schedule of sleeping and getting up for the child from an early age. what to do Dinner should be eaten quickly Dinner should be fed as soon as the sun sets so

After delivery, the breast will return to its original shape?

 After delivery, the breast will return to its original shape? Various changes in the breast after pregnancy can become a matter of concern for women. Because such changes may cause the breasts to sag, become larger than necessary and spoil the body structure. But even after the birth of a child, a woman can bring her breasts back to their previous state if they pay attention to their lifestyle. Hormonal changes start from the beginning of pregnancy to prepare the mother's breast for nourishment after the birth of the baby. First of all, a slight pain in the breast starts to be experienced. It appears as the first symptom of pregnancy in two weeks of pregnancy. Gradually, the breast starts to feel heavy. Some may experience mild pain while others may experience severe pain. When the estrogen and progesterone hormones change during pregnancy, the pain can sometimes be in the right breast and sometimes in the left breast. The only purpose of pain like this is to prepare for breastfee

A cold can cause pain, how to be careful?

 A cold can cause pain, how to be careful? It is raining time. The weather is humid. At this time, there is a fear of infectious diseases. Along with that, it is time for the weather to change. In such a situation, different types of physical problems can occur. Children, patients, elderly or people with weak immune system can suffer from minor problems. So you should be careful at this time. After some time the festival starts. We are in the mood to celebrate the festival with joy. However, if there is grief in the face of the festival itself, it will be difficult not only for yourself, but also for your family. Therefore, it is necessary to be aware and careful about health at this time. What happens in this season? However, now there is dengue panic everywhere. This is also a disease that spreads during rainy season. Dengue is an infectious disease transmitted mainly by mosquito bites. Dengue is transmitted by female Aedes aegypti mosquitoes infected with the dengue virus. There is

How to recognize organic food?

 How to recognize organic food? Recently, people's fascination towards organic food has increased. With the increase in demand and popularity of organic food, organic food stores, organic vegetable and fruit shops have opened widely. Even though organic food is related to health, people are ready to spend any amount to use it. Organic food is not only related to the health of people, but also the environment. That is why organic farming is being discussed nowadays. If we talk about the history of organic farming in Nepal, in the 1980s, an American researcher, Judith Chase, came to Nepal and established a small organic garden in Dadhikot, Bhaktapur in 1987. In the same year, he established an NGO called 'Appropriate Agriculture Alternative'. From there, the concept of organic farming was introduced in Nepal. Jumla has been declared as the first organic district of Nepal. How organic are the animal husbandry and vegetable farms seen around Kathmandu and other urban areas? How

Why does it take more time for diabetic patients to heal their wounds? Find out the cause and tips to prevent infection from your doctor

 Why does it take more time for diabetic patients to heal their wounds? Find out the cause and tips to prevent infection from your doctor Wound healing takes longer in diabetic patients. Learn about the reasons behind this from a doctor here. Diabetic patients often have problems. They have to strictly follow everything from food to exercise. After the blood sugar level increases, many disparities begin to occur in diabetic patients, one of which is the time it takes for the wound to dry. Have you ever wondered why diabetic patients take time to heal wounds? If you are also a diabetic patient and if this happens to you, then this article can come in handy. In this article we will tell you about some important things related to it. This usually happens when the patient's blood sugar level is high. To get more information on this topic, we spoke to Diabetologist Dr. Shaiwal Chandalaya of Jaslok Hospital and Research Center in Mumbai. Let's know about it. 1. Increased blood sugar

What to do after abortion?

 What to do after abortion? Sometimes there is such compulsion, where abortion is necessary. Like if the fetus is not developing properly, if there is any problem, if there is any complication in the pregnancy. Apart from that, even if there is an unwanted pregnancy, this option should be adopted. Unsafe relationships also force abortion. Forced abortion is necessary. However, abortion should not be taken lightly. As abortion is legal and its services are easily available, the tendency to have unprotected sex and have an abortion is not good. It can make women sick for a long time. How is abortion done? It is very important to have an ultrasound before the abortion. It shows how many days the pregnancy is and whether the baby is inside the uterus or not. After the ultrasound, the method of abortion is decided. If the pregnancy is up to nine weeks, the pill can be used for abortion. The pill causes abortion with bleeding. This option does not work if nine weeks of pregnancy have passed.

"Having thyroid during pregnancy can be a risk to the baby"

 "Having thyroid during pregnancy can be a risk to the baby" There may be some complications during pregnancy. Thyroid is one of them. What happens if you have a thyroid during pregnancy? Can there be any risk to the unborn child? Can children born with thyroid be disabled? What options can be adopted if there is a thyroid in this situation? Thyroid disease specialist Dr. Online journalist Sumitra Luitel's conversation with Madhu Pandey: What kind of problem is the thyroid? How to understand it simply? The thyroid is a butterfly-shaped gland in the neck. The hormones released from it control and influence the work of many parts of the body. If there is any obstruction in the production of thyroid or its related hormones, it will cause many problems. Some people call the thyroid itself a disease, but it is not. There are problems such as goiter, low production of thyroid hormone, problem of excess production of thyroid hormone, swelling of the thyroid and lumps, growth of

Aspirin: Medicine from pain to heart attack prevention

 Aspirin: Medicine from pain to heart attack prevention Aspirin is such a drug, which helps to reduce not just one but many health problems. It is used to reduce general body aches, headaches, swelling due to injuries and high temperature (fever). Not only that, this medicine has blood thinning properties. Due to this, even heart attacks and paralysis that are about to clot can be saved by giving this medicine as soon as possible. It belongs to the group of anti-inflammatory drugs. History of medicine Thousands of years ago, the citizens of Greece and Egypt used the bark of the yellow plant to treat pain and fever in any part of the body. It would also heal. Little by little, experts searched for the properties of the bark of that plant. It was discovered that salicin was present. In the 19th century, chemists were able to isolate salicylic acid and turn it into a medicine. However, salicylic acid showed more heartburn and other side-effects in patients. In 1897, Felix Hoffmann, a Germ

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