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How safe are collagen supplements used for hair growth?

 How safe are collagen supplements used for hair growth?

Everyone is worried about hair loss or thinning. Because it spoils the beauty and appearance of the face. There is not only one cause of hair loss. Stress, hormonal imbalance, excessive use of chemicals and sleep problems are the main ones.

Regardless of the reason, nowadays people take over-the-counter products, home remedies and not just supplements to solve this problem without examining the cause. Of which collagen supplements are currently in discussion.

What is collagen?

Collagen is a protein, which contains amino acids such as glycine, proline and hydroxyproline. It helps to strengthen every part of our body including hair, muscles, blood vessels. The body also gets collagen from what we eat. As you get older. The collagen decreases.

For this reason, collagen users have increased thinking that it is a safe option for hair growth.

How appropriate to use collagen supplements?

Experts who have studied this say that there is no solid evidence that collagen supplements can lead to hair growth. Because this supplement cannot reach the hair through the blood stream.

It goes directly to the digestive tract and is digested. Therefore, the supplement is not enough to reach the bloodstream and be absorbed.

Therefore, if you have a problem with hair loss, you should get your hair checked first. Accordingly, it is suitable to be treated by skin, hair and venereal disease specialist Dr. Prajwal Pudasaini says. According to him, healthy people do not need to take supplements like collagen.

However, if there is no growth of hair due to lack of nutrition such as lack of vitamins, zinc and minerals, then supplements can be given. Dr. which can only be taken after the doctor's advice. Pudasaini says.


Dermatologist Dr. who can harm health when using such supplements randomly. Shilpi Khetarpal says.

"There is no definitive proof that collagen supplements work, but what is known is that it may do more harm than good," she says.

Because other chemicals, colors and flavors are added to it to make it attractive, it may cause allergies. Some people say that they have gastric problems while taking collagen. Khetarpal says.

The American Food and Drug Administration (FDA) says, "Collagen is for consumption, not for medicinal use." This means that it has not been tested and regulated as a medicine. According to the FDA, most of them do not even have labeling, so it is not considered appropriate to use them because they do not have the right message.

Other options to prevent hair loss

Dr. According to Pudasaini, you should not use hot tools to curl your hair, dry or stretch wet hair. It makes the hair dry and split ends.

Eat plenty of protein-rich foods. Because protein is the main ingredient that keeps hair healthy. If it is lacking, the hair will be dry and the roots will be weak. Medicines containing vitamins and minerals can be taken on the doctor's advice. Pudasaini says.

Who should not use collagen supplements?

If allergic to fish or other collagen sources, collagen supplements should be avoided. It is not appropriate for pregnant or lactating women to not use it. Pudasaini says.

What side-effects can occur after hair transplantation?

Hair transplant is a boon for people who are experiencing or have experienced hair loss. But people have different fears about hair transplant, be it the age of the hair or hair care after the transplant. There is also a question in the mind of many people whether there are any side-effects during hair transplantation.

Hair transplant is the process of transplanting a person's own hair to the other side of the head. Generally, the hair from the back of the head i.e. the donor area is transplanted to the front where the hair has fallen.

No chemicals are used during transplantation. This is a very natural process. It is just moving the hair from one place to another. Forehead and palate hair fall a lot. This is due to hormonal reasons. If the person who wants to have a hair transplant does not have any kind of disease and is healthy, then the transplant can be done immediately.

For hair transplantation, the popular method in the world and in Nepal is 'Follicular Unit Extraction', i.e. the method of extracting hair from the back of the bald head and planting it in the front and center of the bald head.

Patients with reduced donor area, skin diseases, uncontrolled diabetes and high blood pressure cannot undergo hair transplantation.

Are there any side-effects after hair transplantation?

Hair transplantation does not seem to have any long-term effects. Especially since the hair from the back of the head is removed and planted in the front, there is a question whether it has any effect on the brain or eyes. Since hair transplant only works on the skin layer, it does not affect the brain and eyes.

Previously, there was a problem of scarring where the hair was removed. But now there is no such problem. Complications of hair transplantation are usually not seen. But in some, the symptoms of stickleback poisoning include swelling of the palate, bleeding, hair root infection, temporary headache, itching and swelling.

Is there a problem with transplanted hair falling again?

In many cases, the cause of hair loss is hereditary. Frontal hair has 'DHT receptor' which causes frontal hair loss. Hair transplant uses back hair, which does not have DHT receptor and does not have hair loss problem. As long as the hair on the back does not fall out, the transplanted hair will not fall out either.

How much does hair transplant cost?

Depending on how much hair has fallen, the transplant will be done, the number of hairs and the cost will be determined. At Kathmandu Clinic of Cosmetic Surgery, one hair is equivalent to 37 rupees. Generally, if up to four fingers have fallen from the front hair line, three thousand hairs should be transplanted, for which the cost is about one lakh 50 thousand rupees.

The first year of hair transplantation should be given special attention

After the transplant, the donor area is covered with bandages and paper tape and removed within 48 to 72 hours. After removing the bandage, antibiotics should be applied to it for seven days. The area where the hair is transplanted should be covered with an open cap, so that there is no infection in that area.

72 hours after the transplant, they come to the clinic and are cleaned with shampoo. It is recommended to apply a type of medicine to the transplanted area for one year after the transplant. Which helps blood circulation in the transplanted hair and hair growth faster.

After 6 months, you will not know that you have had a hair transplant. After the hair transplant, if the person does not have any skin problems or any other diseases, the transplanted hair will last forever.

Does the transplanted hair last forever?

Hair is also a symbol of beauty. Thick and silky hair is said to increase confidence in people. But some people are confused due to the problem of hair loss. They take various measures to prevent their hair from falling further, but success is not forthcoming.

Recently, after the introduction of hair transplant technology, people suffering from hair loss have felt relief. In a way, hair transplantation has proved to be a boon for them.

Hair transplant is the process of transplanting a person's own hair to the other side of the head. Usually, the hair from the back of the head, i.e. the donor area, is transplanted to the front where the hair has fallen.

Hair transplant specialist Dr. there is no harm to health during hair transplant. Udeep Shrestha says. Hair transplant is only for looking beautiful, it has nothing to do with health. People aged 18 to 67 years can undergo hair transplantation.

But he says that the donor area is less, patients with skin diseases, diabetes and high blood pressure cannot undergo hair transplantation. No chemicals are used during transplantation. This is a very natural process. "It's just moving the hair from one place to another," he says.

How much does it cost, what should be paid attention to after the transplant?

In Nepal, hair transplant costs 40 to 85 rupees per hair. Shrestha says. The number of transplanted hairs is determined according to how much hair has fallen.

After the hair transplant, you have to pay a lot of attention for five days. If you don't take good care of your hair during this period, your hair may fall out. Then gradually the hair starts to set and after 45 days it returns to normal condition. After that Dr. can do everything like swimming, coloring, hair cutting. Shrestha says.

Antibiotics and painkillers should be taken for seven days after hair transplant. Most of the time, after all the surgeries, you have to take these medicines. He says that some vitamins are given so that both the transplanted hair and the non-transplanted hair are set and apart from that, there is no need to take any other medicine.

Many people have a question whether hair transplantation has any effect. Hair transplantation does not affect anything badly. It is only related to beauty," Dr. Shrestha says, 'After hair transplant, you will look younger, your confidence will increase. But it does not have any good or bad effect on health.

People with hereditary hair loss problems cannot stop the hair loss process no matter how hard they try. If there is hair loss due to reasons other than genetics, it will be treated by Dr. Shrestha says.

But there is no cure for hereditary hair loss. For such people, hair transplantation is the only option," he says. "If someone has less hair in the donor area, beard and chest hair can also be used for transplantation."

Similarly, Dr. Dr. said that hair transplantation is an option for people who have lost their hair due to burns, other injuries and have not grown back. Shrestha says. He says that such people can undergo a skin examination by a dermatologist and undergo hair transplantation.

Does transplanted hair last forever?

Previously, after hair transplantation, there was a problem of missing hairline and missing space. But now new technology has entered. Therefore, now there are no problems such as empty space and hair line not matching. Shrestha says.

"After 6 months, you will not know that you have had a hair transplant. Previously, there was a problem of scarring where the hair was removed. But now there is no such problem," he says.

After the hair transplant, if the person does not have any skin problems or other diseases, the transplanted hair will last forever. Shrestha says.


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