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What is the stomach? Let's understand in detail

 What is the stomach? Let's understand in detail

If you think about the digestive system once, one word comes to mind 'stomach'. This is the part of the body that we think of when we are very hungry or when we are full.

Especially the stomach?

Stomach and liver disease specialist working at Grandi International Hospital in Dhapasi. Akhilesh Kashyap says, "Stomach is an organ in the shape of 'J' of the English alphabet and looks like a body for eating vegetables, which we understand as the stomach."

According to him, the entire part of the stomach plays an important role in digestion.

How does the stomach work?

Dr. According to Kashyap, the main function of the stomach is to take the food to the digestion process. Stomach temporarily stores food. "It grinds the food and sends it to the small intestine," he says, "It gives the signal to the brain that it is hungry and tired."

How does food reach the stomach?

Dr. Veer Hospital Senior Gastroenterologist. Mukesh Sharma Paudel says, 'The journey of food to the stomach. When we eat food, the process of digestion starts from the mouth. Its main role is the teeth. The teeth break the food into pieces.

When the food is broken down, the digestive juice comes into the mouth. This enzyme is released from the salivary glands around the mouth and dissolves with the food. With the help of the tongue, the dissolved food goes directly to the stomach through the esophagus. After reaching the stomach, the work of digestion begins.

These foods remain in the stomach for one to one and a half hours. Acid (digestive juice) is produced in the stomach to break down or dissolve the food. Stomach muscles and juices help to dissolve food properly. Which is called 'Crine'.

The stomach prepares to send the dissolved food to the small intestine. It also holds back food until it is ready to be emptied in the small intestine. After preparation, the food reaches the small intestine, where the food is dissolved in the bile produced by the gallbladder.

Bile is released only as needed. Its walls absorb nutrients and fluids and send unwanted food to the large intestine. By the time it reaches there, the body has taken a lot of nutrients from the food.

Unnecessary material from the large intestine is pushed to the rectum in the form of feces. At that time, people feel stool. The rectum is at the very bottom of the large intestine.

Have you ever wondered how much food our stomach can handle at once? According to an article published in the International Journal of the Institute of Human Anatomy, the stomach can hold 0.8 to 1.5 liters of food. However, this ability may vary according to a person's weight, body composition, age and lifestyle.

What this means is that the stomach can expand and stretch according to the nature and quantity of food.

Factors affecting food intake

Varies from person to person

Not everyone has the same stomach capacity. Therefore, we cannot give a concrete answer as to how much food the body can carry. Heredity, age and eating style determine the extent of stomach capacity.

Type of food

Calorie-rich food fills the stomach quickly. Light food with less calories is digested quickly. Hunger is experienced quickly.

Hunger hormones

Ghrelin and leptin are hormones that signal hunger and fullness. Ghrelin stimulates hunger, while leptin suppresses hunger. These two hormones can be affected by what we eat and when.

If so, how often do you feel hungry?

When our body begins to lack food, nutrition and energy, then we begin to feel hungry, endocrinologist Dr. Says Savin Chaulagai. After the body digests the food we eat by turning it into nutrients, it reaches every organ. "When the communication of nutrients in the organs starts to decrease, then hunger also occurs," said Dr. Chaulagai says.

What happens when there is no food in the stomach when you are hungry?

If you don't eat or stay hungry for a long time when you are hungry, the amount of sugar in the blood decreases. The body does not have enough nutrients. Dr. Dr. Dr. Chaulagai says.

Similarly, Rachna Sharma, a psychiatrist, says that someone can become angry because they cannot bear hunger. According to him, when the blood sugar level drops when the stomach is hungry, the brain thinks that it is a sign of some danger and then the body releases adrenal hormones to increase the glucose level to a normal level. But when there is no danger, that extra energy can turn into a problem of anger, says psychiatrist Rachna Sharma.

There is a saying, "A bad stomach means a bad mind". It simply means, if there is a problem in the stomach, it affects the brain. Why?

Neurologist Dr. According to Sumanraj Adhikari, the stomach has a direct relationship with the brain. The reason is that there are neurotransmitters that connect the stomach and the brain, one of which is the vagus nerve.

The vagus nerve is connected from the brain to the abdominal muscles and its surrounding organs. With the help of which all communication between the stomach and the brain takes place. And, when there is a problem related to the stomach, its direct message goes to the brain," said Dr. Officer says.

For this reason, if a person is suffering from stomach problems, his mental health is also affected.

On the contrary, if there is a problem related to mental health, the effect will be seen in the stomach as well. Officials say.

Laws of the Digestive System According to the Harvard School It is responsible for controlling the mind. And, it sends the information of hunger and thirst to the brain.

Digestive bacteria and digestive juices play a major role in the stomach.

Bacterial work

According to Food Research Officer Ujjwal Rayamazhi, different types of micro-flora are present in the stomach. Which helps to digest food by stimulating digestive juices, cleaning and operating the digestive system. It is the job of probiotics to maintain its balance.

Probiotics help the digestive system to function properly by stimulating the natural digestive juices and enzymes in the stomach.

What happens without probiotics? In response to the question, he says, "If we don't have probiotics, problems such as indigestion of the food we eat, gastric problems, constipation and diarrhea may appear."

These are probiotic live bacteria, which are found in yogurt. Gundruk, sinki, kimchi, pickles are also sources of probiotics.

How is digestive juice produced?

Naturally occurring digestive enzymes are proteins. These are found at different points in the digestive process, known as amylase, lipase and protease, Dr. Dr., a gastroenterologist at Civil Hospital. Statutory fund Paudel says.

When food enters the mouth. Then according to the signal from the brain, the digestive juice is released from the salivary gland. The food is immediately broken down in such a way that it can be absorbed by the body and sent to the alimentary canal," he says. "As soon as the stomach receives the signal that the food has arrived, digestive juices are produced to digest the food. Sometimes even when you remember the food you want, stomach juice comes out.

Why is food not digested?

The reason for indigestion is that we eat foods that are difficult to digest. Like fried, fried, spicy, junk food, packaged food. Mukesh says.

According to him, the digestive system cannot digest food properly due to eating more food than required, consumption of spicy food and wrong diet. Even if the digestive system is weak due to some other reason, it is difficult to digest even normal food.

Apart from that, when the enzymes in the liver are not working properly, indigestion occurs, which is very painful, he says.

What happens after bad food reaches the stomach?

- First of all, the body recognizes the bad food and divides it into two parts.

- The first is food that the body cannot tolerate - it is very sour, bitter, greasy. It increases the amount of acid in the body and causes acidity, stomach burns.

- Second, rotten, stale food. It causes disorders in the body. Various infections and diarrhea are caused by such foods.

- Alcohol is another element that spoils the digestive process. How does alcohol affect the stomach? Stomach and liver disease specialist Dr. Let's understand in detail from Sandeepraj Kunwar.

When we drink alcohol, it is absorbed in the stomach through the esophagus and reaches the liver. During this time, when drinking alcohol excessively, the chemicals in alcohol also damage the cells of the stomach. Similarly, it can cause problems in the small intestine and the entire digestive system.

Likewise, the liver also works from helping in digestion to separating toxins from the body. The liver filters the toxic substances in alcohol so that they do not go to other parts of the body.

The 'alcohol dehydrogenase' enzyme in the liver helps digest alcohol. In this process, the chemical called 'acetaldehyde' in it is broken down and changed into a chemical called 'acetate'. This acetate is converted into carbon dioxide and water and is excreted from the body. But if the amount of 'acetaldehyde' is high due to excessive consumption of alcohol, it starts damaging the liver cells.

A person who has been suffering from gastritis for a long time can cause a lot of problems in the stomach, stomach and intestines in the immediate and long term when they consume alcohol.

The most troublesome stomach problem is gastric i.e. gastritis.

Stomach or small intestine swelling is called gastric, stomach and liver disease specialist Dr. Relic Bhandari says. According to him, the hydrochloric acid released from the gastric juice helps to digest food. For some reason, when the amount of acid is high, people feel gastric.

the reason

Helicopillary bacteria is the main cause of gastritis in 70 percent. This germ is generated in the body itself. When the production and quantity of hydrochloric acid and Helicobacter pylori do not match, then gastric occurs. When the number of germs increases, the stomach starts to swell, which causes gastric. Bhandari says.

Similarly, pain relievers, eating more than necessary, sleeping immediately after eating, drinking too much tea and coffee, eating in the middle of the night, eating too much junk food, drinking alcohol, and cold drinks also cause GIA risk.

According to a BBC report, "the stomach is also a very important immune system of the body."

But we are making the stomach a dustbin. We eat as we please. We eat everything we should and shouldn't eat. This is the reason why most of us have stomach problems. Stomach disease means that the whole body is weak and relaxed.

In this case, the question arises, how to make the stomach clean, strong and light? Ayurvedic Dr. Puneshwar Keshari suggests.

- As soon as you wake up in the morning, you should drink lukewarm water on an empty stomach. After drinking two or three glasses of water, defecate should be done.

- Green vegetables should be included in food, which have high fiber.

This kind of food strengthens the digestive system.

- Keep physically active.

- Do not eat too much food at once, which is difficult to digest.

- It is difficult to digest greasy, spicy, spicy food.

- It is beneficial to eat mutton as a salad after eating. It is better to sprinkle Veerenun on it.

- As far as possible, you should eat less meat dishes.

- Mint is useful for increasing digestion. Similarly, fruit also helps to keep the stomach healthy.


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